Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently asked questions about NETFILE -- Requirements

  1. Will there be any restrictions on using NETFILE?
  2. Can I use NETFILE to send my tax return from last year?
  3. Do the same dates and deadlines apply if I use NETFILE?
  4. Will I receive my Notice of Assessment over the Internet?
  5. I recently went bankrupt. Can I use NETFILE?
  6. My mother/father received an access code and he/she has passed away. Can I use NETFILE to file his/her return?

  1. Will there be any restrictions on using NETFILE?
    There will be some restrictions as to the type and complexity of returns that we'll allow to be filed using the Internet. Just as with TELEFILE and EFILE returns, the restrictions on the types of returns that can be filed ensure that the electronic process is fast and easy, with as few requests for hard-copy documents as possible. For a summary of the guidelines, see our Restrictions Web page.

  2. Can I use NETFILE to send my tax return from last year?
    We are only able to accept your current year tax return. The NETFILE service is open from February 11, 2008, until September 30, 2008, for the electronic filing of your 2007 tax return. If you haven't filed your 2006 tax return and you used a tax preparation software to prepare your tax return, you can print it or complete a paper tax return and mail it to us.

  3. Do the same dates and deadlines apply if I use NETFILE?
    Yes, the dates are the same. For more information, please see balance due.

  4. Will I receive my Notice of Assessment over the Internet?
    You'll receive a paper copy of your Notice of Assessment in the mail as usual.

  5. I recently went bankrupt. Can I use NETFILE?
    No. If your CRA file is coded "bankrupt" your return cannot be accepted through the NETFILE process.

  6. My mother/father received an access code and she/he has passed away. Can I use NETFILE to file her/his tax return?
    No. You cannot use NETFILE to file tax returns for deceased persons.