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Q: What is ecstasy?

A: Ecstasy is a man-made drug. It is a combination of chemicals made in drug labs and it is a hallucinogens that is also similar to amphetamines. Ecstasy is also called E, XTC, Adam, Euphoria, X, MDM and Love Doves.

Q: What does ecstasy look like?

A: Ecstasy usually comes in gelatin capsules or small pills. The pills can be any colour and often have a design like a dove, a diamond or a hammer and sickle stamped on them.

Ecstasy can also come in a powder, which is snorted or dissolved and injected.

Q: Is ecstasy illegal?

A: Yes. That means getting caught buying or selling it, or even having it, can mean a fine or an arrest. But there are other dangers as well. When you buy ecstasy, you may really be getting other drugs. For example, dealers often mix ecstasy with methamphetamine or LSD.

Like other illegal drugs, it is impossible to know exactly what you are buying. That means you can never be sure how safe ecstasy will be.

Q: What does ecstasy do to people who use it?

A: About 20 to 40 minutes after taking ecstasy, people will feel a high that can last anywhere from four to six hours. Ecstasy can also make you feel tipsy, like you are a little drunk.

You may feel trusting, loving and warm towards others. You may feel that you are experiencing spiritual insights.

Ecstasy also makes sensations (especially touch) stronger.

Q: So it’s all good?

A: Not so fast. Ecstasy can also make you clench your jaw and grind your teeth. It can also make you feel anxious or have a full-blown panic attack. It also can cause blurred vision and vomiting.

But that's not all. Ecstasy also makes you sweat more and raises your blood pressure and heart rate. It can also leave you depressed, cranky, unable to concentrate, forgetful, exhausted and feeling like everyone is out to get you. These effects can last for several days.

Q: Can you die from taking ecstasy?

A: Ecstasy has been involved in deaths from severe dehydration and heat exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythms and liver failure.

These risks may be reduced by taking breaks and drinking plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages. There is also evidence that high doses of ecstasy can damage the brain.

Q: What does ecstasy do if you use it regularly for months or years?

A: Using ecstasy for a long time may also cause permanent chemical changes in your brain. These changes can mean that your mood and your sleep are disturbed for a long time after you stop using.

Some regular users may experience “flashbacks” (feeling like you’re high even though you haven’t taken the drug) or psychosis. Repeated use can damage your liver.

Q: Is ecstasy addictive?

A: People who use ecstasy regularly for several weeks or months need to take larger amounts to feel the same effects as when they started using. Right now, there is little information on whether ecstasy produces dependence, or withdrawal symptoms if regular use stops.

Q: What is herbal ecstasy?

A: Herbal ecstasy is a blend of herbs that usually includes caffeine. It is sometimes thought to be a safe alternative to ecstasy because it comes from combining different plants. But at high doses, it can cause heart problems

LAST REVIEWED: Monday, February 26, 2007

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