Action News

Action News is a quarterly newsletter produced by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse that addresses current events related to substance abuse.

Action News Vol. XVII No. 3 (2007) [PDF]


  • Addressing youth substance abuse: CCSA releases Substance Abuse in Canada: Youth in Focus
  • A culture of moderation: CCSA applauds Nova Scotia's new alcohol strategy.
  • "Think tank" looks ahead: CCSA's neuroscience-addictions group identifies potential activities.
  • Addictions and academia: MOA with University of Saskatchewan opens new doors.
  • Access to Recovery: CCSA joins substance abuse and disabilities partnership.
  • CAS caution: Incomplete question in 2004 survey prompts issuing of errata.
  • People and events: New staff; CCSA gets special UN status; Calendar of Events

    Action News Vol. XVII No. 2 (2007) [PDF]


  • CCSA strengthens commitment to the North with NWT agreement
  • CCSA on Bill C-32:  Proposed drugged driving legislation is welcomed, but needs changes.
  • Neuroscience and addictions:  New CCSA "think tank" aims to bridge the two solitudes.
  • Core competencies for substance abuse professionals:  CCSA seeks input on draft set of job skills and knowledge areas.
  • Comings and goings:  CCSA says hello to Sherry Stewart, goodbye to Colleen Dell.
  • New publications from CCSA:  Harm reduction series looks at Aboriginal programs; FAQ examines prescription drug abuse.
  • Calendar of Events

    Action News Vol. XVII No. 1 (2007) [PDF]


  • CCSA creates new online resource for substance abuse professionals
  • Issues of Substance 2007: Mark Kleiman and Thomas Homer-Dixon chosen as keynote speakers.
  • Three more years: CCSA renews collaboration with the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation.
  • Traditional Inuit teachings: CCSA will work with Inuit Elder to translate and publish teaching manuals.
  • Supporting Success: Theme and dates picked for National Summer Institute on Addictions.
  • CCSA on the world stage: Centre's CEO organizes an international NGO forum for 2008.
  • New publications from CCSA: FAQ examines drug courts; research brief looks at harms, perceived and actual.
  • Calendar of Events 

    Action News has a new look. In 2006, CCSA began redesigning its corporate "look and feel", including all of its printed materials. Our goal was to achieve a more contemporary look that is consistent with the image of a dynamic national organization working to reduce alcohol- and drug-related harm. Please let us know what you think about the changes and whether you feel it enhances the readability of the newsletter. Address your comments to the Editor at info@ccsa.ca

    Action News Vol. XVI No. 4 (2006) [PDF]


  • New National Framework working group aims to have a treatment strategy for Canada by 2008
  • Issues of Substance 2007 launches Call for Abstracts
  • The CPGI may not be perfect, but there's still nothing better
  • Preliminary data support accuracy of DRE evaluations
  • CAS sheds light on cannabis and driving, tobacco and youth
  • New Board appointment, new staff
  • Mike MacDonald: a seriously funny guy
  • YSAC and CCSA extend agreement
  • Calendar of Events

    Action News Vol. XVI No. 3 (2006) [PDF]


  • New working group seeks a comprehensive picture of substance abuse treatment activities in Canada
  • CCSA asked to evaluate country-wide DRE implementation
  • New project aims for comparability of student drug use data
  • Atlantic addiction executives endorse National Framework
  • Lessons from Grand Manan: can HEP make a difference?
  • New faces around the CCSA office
  • CCSA appoints Northern advisor
  • Drug User Congress was well attended
  • New resources on CCSA's website
  • Calendar of Events

    Action News Vol. XVI No. 2 (2006) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XVI No. 1 (2006) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XV No. 4 (2005) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XV No. 3 (2005) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XV No. 2 (2005) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XV No. 1 (2005) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIV No. 4 (2004) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIV No. 3 (2004) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIV No. 2 (2004) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIV No. 1 (2004) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIII No. 4 (2003) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIII No. 3 (2003) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIII No. 2 (2003) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XIII No. 1 (2003) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XII No. 2 (2002) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XII No. 1 (2002) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. XI No. 1 (2001) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. X No. 3 (2000) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. X No. 2 (2000) [PDF]

    Action News Vol. X No. 1 (2000) [PDF]
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      Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
      75 Albert Street  Suite 300 Ottawa, ON  Canada K1P 5E7
      T: (613) 235-4048  F: (613) 235-8101 Contact us
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