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Aviation as a Career - Scholarships Available
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Aviation as a Career - Scholarships Available

   Interested in a career in Aviation? Click here to learn more about the different aviation jobs available. For a breakdown of the different training opportunities available in aviation in Canada, and a link to the schools offering that training, please go to our Aviation Training page. If you will be attending full-time studies leading to a northern aviation career, there are several $5,000 scholarships available through the Aviation Career Development Program.


Travel Advisories

If you're planning travel outside the NWT, please click here for information on travel documents and identification. 

Bison Spotted - There is a small herd of bison southeast of Behchoko. Drivers should use extra caution on the highway between Yellowknife and Behchoko to avoid collisions with bison which may be on the road.


The Tuktoyaktuk and Aklavik Ice Roads are closed for the season.

On the Dempster Highway, the Peel River ice crossing at km 74; the Mackenzie River Ice Crossing at Tsiigehtchic at km 143; and the Tsiigehtchic winter access are open to a maximum load capacity of 64,000 kilograms. With persisting cold weather, the ice crossings will likely stay in service until early next week. Small and low clearance vehicles are not recommended to travel on the ice crossings. Slippery, slushy, melt-water and rough conditions will be encountered.


Did you know?

According to Transport Canada, the deaths of five Canadians and the severe injuries of another 28 could be prevented each week if every vehicle in Canada was equipped with Electronic Stability Control.

If you have an unusual vehicle (such as a one with a right hand steering wheel), it may not be one that can be registered in the NWT. For more information, please 
click here.

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