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Minerals and Metals Sector / Secteur des minéraux et des métaux
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About the Sector

The Minerals and Metals Sector (MMS) has the government lead in promoting the responsible development and use of Canada’s mineral and metal resources. It is also a leader in the generation and dissemination of knowledge about the Canadian minerals and metals industries. MMS interacts with a wide range of stakeholders, including its industrial and academic partners, environmental groups, Aboriginal peoples, provincial and territorial governments, other federal departments and agencies, and international organizations. It also collaborates with and provides research services to governmental, institutional and industrial clients (from mining to manufacturing) for the development of innovative technologies with economic, environmental and social benefits to Canadians.

MMS Mission

Advance policies, science, regulations and knowledge that will: (i) optimize the contribution of the minerals and metals industries to Canada; and (ii) ensure the safety and security of Canadians.


Canada is an internationally dominant force in optimizing the economics and social benefits of minerals and metals while minimizing their environmental effects.

How We Are Organized

The Minerals and Metals Sector is headed by Dr. Stephen Lucas, Assistant Deputy Minister, and comprises seven branches:


Organizational icon Sector Organization Chart (PDF)

The responsibilities of each of these branches are outlined below.

CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (CANMET-MTL)

568 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Jennifer Jackman, Director General
Tel.: 613-995-8248, Fax: 613-992-8735

In collaboration with industry, CANMET-MTL conducts applied research, and develops and deploys technologies, to improve all aspects of producing and using value-added products from minerals and metals. Specifically, CANMET-MTL uses its specialists and one-of-a-kind laboratory facilities in metal processing and joining, corrosion prevention, ceramic and concrete technology, physical and mechanical testing, micro-characterization of materials, prototype fabrication, and advanced materials development to:

  • help Canadian firms develop new products and services;
  • achieve higher performance from metal alloys, ceramics, concrete, and metal- or mineral-based advanced materials;
  • provide sound technical input to standards and codes development;
  • assist Canadian firms to use more efficient production techniques, resulting in energy and cost savings;
  • improve the reliability of Canadian steel and concrete infrastructure, such as oil and gas pipelines and concrete bridges, with a resultant impact on public safety and enhanced effectiveness of public expenditures; and
  • develop specialized materials for energy-efficient products that result in reduced greenhouse gases.

For information on how CANMET-MTL can benefit your company, contact:

Alexander (Sandy) Davidson
Business Development Manager
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
568 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: 613-995-8814, Fax: 613-992-8735


CANMET Mining and Mineral Sciences Laboratories (CANMET-MMSL)

555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Thomas Hynes, Director General
Tel.: 613-995-4776, Fax: 613-992-8928

CANMET-MMSL focuses on research and development in the following main areas of mining, processing, and related environmental issues:

  • ground control;
  • mine mechanization/automation;
  • underground mine environment;
  • metallurgical processing;
  • mineralogy;
  • mining effluents;
  • tailings and waste rock; and
  • metals in the environment.

CANMET-MMSL's international reputation for technical excellence in conventional mineral processing is augmented by recognized leadership in developing technological solutions to reduce the environmental liabilities facing the minerals industry, as well as innovation in relation to mining extraction technologies.

Wherever possible, CANMET-MMSL works in partnership with industry, provincial/territorial governments, universities and other research institutes. Current activities focus on three principal strategic directions:

  • promoting sustainable development by finding technically sound solutions to environmental problems;
  • improving industry competitiveness through enhanced productivity; and
  • improving health and safety in the underground mining environment.

For additional information on how CANMET-MMSL can benefit your company, contact:

Manager, Business Affairs
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street, Room 126
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: 613-992-7392, Fax: 613-947-0983


Economics, Investment and Fiscal Analysis Branch

580 Booth Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0E4

Robert Clark, Acting Director General
Tel.: 613-992-2662, Fax: 613-943-8453

The Economics, Investment and Fiscal Analysis Branch (EIFAB) promotes the international competitiveness of the Canadian minerals and metals industry, a favourable investment climate for exploration, and mine development in Canada. The Branch carries out this responsibility by:

  • developing and recommending federal fiscal, financial, economic and other investment climate policies;
  • providing detailed information and analysis to Canadian communities and potential investors in Canada and abroad; and
  • providing advice and support to other federal departments in implementing policies and administering laws that affect the minerals and metals industry.

The Branch is a major source of analysis and advice on a broad range of issues including: all aspects of Canada’s competitiveness in mining, the economic and financial impacts of mineral development, and the appropriate design of federal policies to achieve economic, taxation and related goals. The Branch is responsible for:

  • the collection and/or analysis of selected information on the Canadian minerals industry, including ore reserves, mine openings and closings, and competitiveness; and
  • analyzing exploration levels, trends, and new discoveries.

It also provides technical interpretation of the federal Income Tax Act and Excise Tax Act as they relate to mining, and issues mineral resource certifications in compliance with these acts.

The Branch leads federal-provincial/territorial-industry task forces in the analysis of the impact on Canada’s mineral investment climate of changes in mineral taxation and in other policy areas. The Branch also conducts a wide range of seminars and participates in conferences in Canada and internationally to broadcast messages about the attractiveness of mining in Canada and the optimum conditions for economic and social development.

Tax and Exploration Division
Robert Clark, Director
Tel.: 613-996-3286, Fax: 613-943-8453

Investment Division
James Lauer, Director
Tel.: 613-995-5301, Fax: 613-943-8453


Explosives Safety and Security Branch

1431 Merivale Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Denis Lagacé, Acting Director General
Tel.: 613-995-8851, Fax: 613-996-7425

The Explosives Safety and Security Branch (ESSB) is responsible for administering the Explosives Act and regulations. ESSB's principal priority is the safety and security of the public and of all workers involved in the explosives industry in Canada. It provides services and support to the explosives industry, including manufacturers, importers, distributors and users of explosives. The CANMET Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory conducts research and testing related to the manufacture, storage and transportation of explosives, including blasting accessories, fireworks and pyrotechnic articles, and propellant powders and ammunition, as well as safety-oriented types of explosives (e.g., safety flares and air-bag inflators).

CANMET Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory (CANMET-CERL)

Phil Lightfoot, Director
Tel.: 613-947-7534, Fax: 613-995-1230

CANMET-CERL is Canada's national centre for the advancement of technology related to the safety and security of explosives. It is the only Canadian facility of its kind for testing equipment for use in hazardous locations. CANMET-CERL is accredited as a testing laboratory under ISO/IEC Guide 17025.

CANMET-CERL provides a variety of services to clients including:

  • blast vulnerability assessments and advice on blast mitigation;
  • testing and certification of equipment for use in hazardous locations (explosive atmospheres);
  • testing of explosives, fireworks, pyrotechnics and other energetic materials for classification and authorization by the Explosives Regulatory Division under the Explosives Act;
  • assessment of the hazards associated with energetic materials to improve process safety;
  • research into the properties of energetic materials;
  • development and testing of explosives-related applications; and
  • analysis and identification of explosives.

For information on how CANMET-CERL can benefit your company, contact:

Brian Beard
Business Coordination
CANMET Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: 613-995-8917, Fax: 613-995-1230

Explosives Regulatory Division (ERD)

Chris Watson, Director and Chief Inspector of Explosives
Tel.: 613-948-5170, Fax: 613-948-5195

The Division administers Canada's Explosives Act and regulations through a system of licences and permits supported by a compliance inspection program. The importation, manufacture, storage, sale and some aspects of transportation by road of explosives, propellants, fireworks and other pyrotechnics in Canada are controlled under this program. Other strategic thrusts include:

  • security of explosives;
  • delivery of easy-to-understand regulations in plain language;
  • accessibility;
  • consultation; and
  • education.


Industry Analysis and Business Development Branch

580 Booth Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0E4

Leonard Surges, Director General
Tel.: 613-995-2662, Fax: 613-996-0915

The Industry Analysis and Business Development Branch conducts commodity, allied industry, and market research, analysis and policy/program development with respect to the metal and nonmetallic mineral industries, and guides initiatives for new business development. The Branch positions and recommends policies and actions on behalf of Canada in response to market access issues for minerals and metals and related products. It formulates and implements strategies and initiatives to advance Canada’s minerals and metals interests with other countries and international organizations, and arranges trade shows and trade and investment missions to help Canadian minerals and metals supply and service companies increase exports. The Branch also promotes the recycling of end-of-life products, especially those containing minerals and metals. Finally, the Branch provides expertise and advice on life-cycle management for metals and minerals, and manages the domestic and international promotion and advancement of the Safe Use Principle for minerals and metals.

International Division
Alek Ignatow, Executive Director
Tel.: 613-992-2018, Fax: 613-996-0915

Metal Materials Division
Brian Smith, Director
Tel.: 613-992-3784, Fax: 613-996-0915

Nonmetallic Materials Division
Patrick Chevalier, Director
Tel.: 613-992-4401, Fax: 613-996-0915

Business Development Division
Director (vacant)


Policy and Planning Branch

580 Booth Street, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0E4

Denis Lagacé, Acting Director General
Tel.: 613-995-8851, Fax: 613-996-7425

The Policy and Planning Branch of MMS is the focal point for policy development in the Sector. It is responsible for undertaking broad-based policy research, analysis and development in the area of minerals and metals across a wide range of themes as part of a team approach to policy development. It develops and advances intergovernmental relations; identifies, gathers and integrates MMS policy advice to better integrate this advice into NRCan’s strategic policy initiatives; and liaises with key minerals and metals policy stakeholders outside and within the federal government, including industry, environmental and civil society groups, universities and colleges, communities, and provincial/territorial governments. The Branch is also responsible for promoting Aboriginal participation in exploration and mining activities; developing partnerships between Aboriginal communities, the mining industry and governments; generating and disseminating knowledge, information and tools for capacity building and sound decision-making in Aboriginal communities; and contributing to international discussions on Aboriginal affairs. In addition, the Branch is responsible for the Sector’s strategic and business planning, and for providing input to departmental, central agency, and Parliamentary plans and reports. It is also responsible for reviewing and improving management practices and processes, and for the production of scientific and technical publications on the Canadian minerals and metals industry and on explosives.

Planning Division
Director (vacant)
Contact: Denis Lagacé, Acting Director General
Tel.: 613-995-8851, Fax: 613-996-7425

Policy Division
Philippe Dauphin, Acting Director
Tel.: 613-992-3084, Fax: 613-996-7425

Rural, Aboriginal and Northern Communities Division
Bruno Bond, Acting Director
Tel.: 613-992-8589, Fax: 613-943-8453

Scientific and Technical Publishing Division
Jacinthe Bercier, Chief
Tel.: 613-943-8236, Fax: 613-947-4198


Programs Branch

580 Booth Street, 9th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0E4

Brian Calvert , Acting Director General
Tel.: 613-995-7029, Fax: 613-992-8581

The Programs Branch provides information and expertise for the development of domestic and international policies and regulations affecting minerals and metals; implements policies through its support of environmental and regulatory processes; and develops, administers and delivers programs and other minerals- and metals-related initiatives to meet the Department’s statutory obligations and government objectives.

The Programs Branch is the unique and primary source of information and knowledge for the review and design of efficient and effective federal environmental legislation and regulations affecting minerals and metals. This includes having statutory responsibilities as a responsible authority for mining projects under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and related processes in the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and Nunavut; providing policy advice in support of Natural Resources Canada’s role in the National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative; and leading the Minerals and Metals Sector’s involvement in the five-year review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The Branch also provides assistance to developing countries in the design of policies, processes, and regulatory and non-regulatory initiatives to meet environmental protection objectives and to enhance the contribution of minerals and metals activities to sustainable development.

In collaboration with Statistics Canada and other federal, provincial and territorial departments, international organizations and industry, the Programs Branch has national responsibility for the collection, analysis and dissemination of a wide range of comprehensive economic, financial and statistical information on the Canadian minerals and metals industry. This includes information on exploration, mineral production, use, employment, investment, economic indices and value that is critical for policy development and implementation, and for raising awareness and knowledge of the contribution of minerals and metals activities to the Canadian economy and the well-being of Canadians. The Branch also provides national statistics and information about the minerals and mining industry to numerous internal and external clients, prepares an extensive collection of analyses, and contributes to publications such as the monthly Production of Canada’s Leading Minerals, the Canadian Minerals Yearbook, and fact sheets and information bulletins on mineral exploration and production.

The Branch develops and administers targeted strategic programs to meet the Government’s domestic and international objectives. This includes the negotiation of international protocols and conventions and their domestic implementation, as exemplified by responsibilities for the administration of the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act to implement the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. Targeted domestic initiatives include the development and implementation of strategies related to federal interests in certain real property, such as the Cape Breton Development Corporation in Nova Scotia. Other initiatives include the development of programs to address the problems of contaminated sites and the competitiveness of Canadian smelters.

Minerals and Mining Statistics Division
Yvan Gauthier, Director
Tel.: 613-996-5786, Fax: 613-992-5565

Environmental Assessment and Regulatory Affairs Division
Brian Calvert, Director
Tel.: 613-996-3854, Fax: 613-992-8263

Special Projects Division
Bob Lomas, Director
Tel.: 613-992-8468, Fax: 613-992-8581

Click here for a list of the publications produced by the Minerals and Metals Sector on the Canadian minerals and metals industry.

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Last Updated: 2007-08-15
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