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Leading with Leaders

BDC 2007 Annual Report - Leading with leaders everywhere in Canada

"BDC has financed just about every aircraft acquisition we've made over the past years. When our business had to go through a change of hands, naturally we went to BDC for business transition financing. With their help, we were able to close the deal quickly."

Hugh Kitchen
Alkan Air Ltd.
Whitehorse, Yukon

"BDC helped us finance plastic manufacturing facilities in Saskatoon, which will ensure we can meet new demand in the U.S. market. We also went to BDC Consulting to implement lean manufacturing practices, and we're definitely seeing results on our production line."

Craig McIntosh
President and CEO
Acrylon Plastics
Winnipeg, Manitoba

"Thanks to BDC's financing, we launched our lifestyles product line, giving us even more leverage for growth. Evolving from shoes to lifestyle products made us Canada's fastest-growing company last year. We now sell worldwide in more than 35 countries."

Joyce Groote
Holey Soles Holdings Limited
Vancouver, B.C.

  "As one of the largest fish processing companies in Atlantic Canada, continued expansion is on the top of our agenda. BDC's subordinate financing enabled us to secure working capital and make the vital acquisitions we needed to grow. BDC has always been there for us."
Bill Barry
The Barry Group of Companies
Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador

"We offer visitors to Yellowknife the best facility in the world to see the magnificent Aurora Borealis. BDC recognized early on that we had found an exciting niche in the tourism industry. Their financing has been key for our company and enabled us to develop this burgeoning market."

Don Morin
Aurora Village
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories


"As a young, custom millwork company, we went to BDC to finance equipment and property. BDC recognized that we had a strong business plan and gave us the flexibility we needed to take our business to the next level. When your lender shows confidence, it gives you confidence, too."

Rob Roy
Wood Millers Inc.
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

"As a start-up, we were looking for a lender who had real faith in our potential. BDC was the right fit. We offer consulting and operations management services to the sulphur industry. BDC's working capital enabled us to do some rigorous international marketing to expand our business."

John MacDonald
President and CEO
The Brimrock Group Inc.
Calgary, Alberta


"Human resources management training from BDC Consulting enabled us to better recruit, retain and develop our people. We also got sound advice on implementing lean manufacturing in our business, which ensures we're maximizing all of our production efforts."

Alex MacLellan
President and CEO
Atlantic Neon and Plastic Signs
Saint John, New Brunswick


Additional Information      
Management's Discussion & Analysis    Download Complete Annual Report 
Consolidated Financial Statements    Order a Printed Copy
Corporate Governance    Read Press Release
Board of Directors   Archives
Senior Management Team      
Five-Year Operational & Financial Summary       

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