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Survey of
Le coin linguistique Users

Final Report
June 10, 2002

Submitted to:

Audit and Evaluation Branch
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5

Submitted by:

EKOS Research Associates Inc.

Head Office:
99 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1100
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L7
Tel: (613) 235-7215
Fax: (613) 235-8498

Toronto Branch:
145 King Street West, Suite 1000
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3X6
Tel: (416) 214-1424

Edmonton Branch:
9925 109 Street NW, Suite 606
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J8
Tel: (780) 408-5225
Fax: (780) 408-5233
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Executive Summary

This document presents findings from a survey of users of Le coin linguistique intranet site, a French language resource available to Industry Canada staff. The site is supported through funding from Industry Canada's People Management Plan (PMP), a human resource strategy and plan of action for all employees of the Department.

To ensure the continued viability and value of the site to Industry Canada personnel, site users were queried about their use and perceptions of it, as part of a larger survey of PMP participants. Over the period March 8–28, 2002, survey interviews were conducted with 74 PMP participants, 43 of whom identified themselves as users of the site. These persons were asked additional questions on the site's perceived usefulness, strengths and weaknesses. This study is based on evidence gathered in this component of the survey, supplemented by a review of administrative data on user statistics (e.g., hits) and unsolicited feedback, obtained from Industry Canada.

Analysis of the survey and administrative data yielded the following results:

  • One-fifth of the 2,573 site visitors from May 2001 to February 2002 were repeat visitors, accounting for about one-half of the total number of 4,132 visits over that period (an average of 4.2 visits per repeat visitor). Visitors had an average of 64.1 "hits" per session, each visit lasting on average of 9.5 minutes.

  • Lack of awareness was the stated reason why two in three non-users had never used the site. This would imply a need for greater promotion of Le coin linguistique. This is corroborated by suggestions provided in unsolicited feedback from users.

  • The predominant way respondents first learned about Le coin linguistique was from an e-mail bulletin (63 per cent), suggesting e-mail is an effective way of publicizing the website.

  • Curiosity was the main reason for visiting the site, by far; language difficulties and linguistic training were a distant second.

  • Site features used the most are: Le coffre à outils (71 per cent), La lessiveuse (63 per cent), and La page virgule (59 per cent).

    • Other features used by less than a half of the users are: Links to Translation Bureau tools, La counterpointe, and La boite aux lettres; the latter could not be printed by users. This suggests a possible need for greater publicity of these site features.

  • Almost all users (87 per cent) rated the site at least moderately useful, with one-half saying it is very useful. Links to Translation Bureau tools were seen by the greatest percentage of users (81 per cent) as very useful.

    • However, fewer than half felt some other features of the site were very useful: La courtepointe, La page de virgule, and Le bouquet de fleurs. This suggests consideration be given to improving these features of the site.

  • A majority of users were very satisfied with specific characteristics of the site. Over three in four were very satisfied with its navigatability, its format, and the comprehensiveness of the information provided. Similarly, users of similar sites cited the variety of features, the ease of use, and the currency and comprehensiveness of information as strengths of Le coin linguistique relative to these other sites.

    • However, bare majorities (61 per cent or less) were very satisfied with the speed in finding needed information and with links to similar sites, suggesting attention be paid to these aspects of the site.

  • Users were happy with the site overall. Over nine in ten users said it was at least moderately likely they would return to the site, and 85 per cent said they would recommend it to others.

  • The majority of the comments about the site reviewed in the Industry Canada unsolicited feedback data are of a positive nature. Attributes frequently cited include the site's usefulness, educational value, design, and creativity.

    • Many suggested that Le coin linguistique could serve as a model for the public service at large and perhaps should even be made accessible to school children. These are actions outside the scope of Industry Canada, however.

  • Enhancements suggested by users of the site included: providing a more informative title for the home page; adding success stories to inspire employees to work in the second language; including more basic language resources for those just beginning to learn French; and expanding the choice of translation options and basic information for use in everyday conversations. These are enhancements Industry Canada should consider, if given sufficient funding.

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