Aboriginal Canada Portal

About Us

The Aboriginal Canada Portal (ACP) is your single window to First Nations, Inuit and Métis on-line resources, contacts, information, and government programs and services in Canada. The Aboriginal Canada Portal is a partnership between Government departments and the Aboriginal community that allows better quality service and information delivery and to the degree possible, ensures that the site continues to evolve with a user-friendly and useful manner.

The goal of the site is to continue to evolve into a virtual forum in which:

  • all Aboriginal stakeholders (Aboriginal peoples, organizations and government policy and program developers) may locate, discuss and share information, views, services, successes and issues amongst one another;
  • and, act as a central gateway to increase the awareness of Aboriginal Peoples history, heritage, traditions and Aboriginal community successes among Aboriginal Peoples and non-Aboriginal Canadians.

Members of the ACP Working Group includes the following National Aboriginal Organizations:

Assembly of First Nations Inuit Tapirit Kanatami Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Métis National Council Native Women's Association of Canada Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers