Aboriginal Perspectives is the result of a collaboration of many people:

NFB project management:
Vicki Lainesse, project manager, Canadian Memory Fund
Stéphanie Barker, head, Outreach Development

Working committee:
Marc St-Pierre, collection analyst
Colette Lebeuf, librarian
Lillian Anderson, researcher
James Roberts, chief information officer
Stéphanie Barker, head, Outreach Development
Nadine St-Louis, métis (Mi'kmaq et Acadienne), conseillère

Web site design, integration and programming:
7th Floor Media, a non-profit multimedia research and development centre at Simon Fraser University

Project team:
Dennis Smith, creative director
Mary Watt, project manager
Pam Sevilla-Anderson, programmer
Karen Demers, designer

Web advising, Web site integration:
Jean-François Poulin, Web master
Jean-François Côté, programmer
Pierre Métras, supervisor, applications development
Réjean Dufresne, data base administrator

Technological advisor (film digitizing):
Mathieu Sheehy, computer engineer

Statistical work:
Pierre Métras, supervisor, applications development

Selection of documentary films:
Marc St-Pierre, collection analyst
Colette Lebeuf, librarian
Lillian Anderson, researcher
Albert Ohayon, collection analyst
James Roberts, chief information officer

Selection of documentary excerpts:
Marc St-Pierre, collection analyst
Lillian Anderson, researcher
Colette Lebeuf, librarian

NFB research and content writing:
Marc St-Pierre, collection analyst
Lillian Anderson, researcher
Colette Lebeuf, librarian

NFB research for additional resources:
Colette Lebeuf, librarian
Simon Barry, librarian
Lillian Anderson, researcher

Commissioning editor for content writing:
Colette Lebeuf, librarian

Content writing:
Dr. Taiaiake Alfred, Kahnawake, Mohawk; director, Indigenous Governance Program, University of Victoria
Stephen J. Augustine, hereditary chief on the Mi'Kmaq Grand Councilv Valérie Boudreault, Innu; anthropologist and filmmaker
Denis Charette; sculptor and teacher
Dr. Olive P. Dickason, Métis; historian and author, adjunct professor, University of Ottawa
Ellen Gabriel Katsi'tsakwas, Kanien'kehá:ka Nation Turtle Clan; president of Quebec Native Women Assocation
Carol Geddes, Tlingit First Nation; filmmaker
Dr. Emma LaRocque, Plains-Cree Metis; professor, Department of Native Studies, University of Manitoba
Kate Noel, student
Maxine Noel (ioyan mani), Santee/Oglala Sioux; artist
Zebeedee Nungak, Inuk; writer, translator, consultant
Christine Sioui, Wendat/Abenaki; artist
Dr. Georges E. Sioui; historian and traditionalist; coordinator, Aboriginal Studies Program, University of Ottawa
Miguel Paul Sioui; ecologist and traditionalist
With thanks also to Manasie Akpaliapik, sculptor; Nathalie Coutou, owner of the boutique Khewa; and Zacharias Kunuk, filmmaker

Educational content writing:
Micheal Gatin, Peepeekisis First Nation, secondary school teacher, PAC School Division #6, Prince Albert, Sask.

Many thanks to the Elders, spiritual advisors and friends who offered counsel and support throughout the completion of the Aboriginal Perspectives teaching materials.

Database structure:
Philippe Chartrand, systems analyst

Data entry:
Monique Lebeau, administrative assistant, Canadian Memory Fund
Lillian Anderson, researcher

Rights clearance:
Dominique Aubry, senior legal counsel
Hélène Dubé, administrator, copyrights and contracts
Linda Smith, manager, staff relations
Lillian Anderson, researcher
Monique Lebeau, administrative assistant, Canadian Memory Fund

Translation and copy editing coordinators:
Monique Lebeau, administrative assistant, Canadian Memory Fund
Johanne Summerside, coordinator

Sylvie Prieur
Janet Chapman

Copy editing:
Nancy Barr
Louise Malette

French online copy editing:
Arlette Sinquin, translator

Digitizing and encoding of excerpts, films and interview clips:
Julie Dutrisac, engineer, head of innovation and development
Mathieu Sheehy, junior engineer, computer engineer
Nathalie Hamel, digitizing technician
Étienne Dallaire, digitizing technician
Natalie Tessier, digital vault coordinator

Material management:
Louis Dupuis, technical coordinator
Richard Cournoyer, supervisor, vaults and laboratories
Thérèse Hérard, finance and administration officer

Johanne Lessard, financial advisor
Thérèse Hérard, finance and administration officer

Described video production for 18 films:
Debra McGlaughlin, Valerie Hochschild and Khel Baldeo, AudioVision Canada, company chosen by the NFB to produce described video for a selection of NFB films
Albert Ohayon, collection analyst, quality control (content)
Racine Daniel, team leader, customer services, quality control (content)
Fahr Anna, clerk, customer services, quality control (content)
André Gagnon, head, sound postproduction, quality control (sound)
Marie Desmarteau, technician sound postproduction, quality control (sound)
Cynthia Flengeris, technician sound postproduction, quality control (sound)
Teprine Baldo, technician sound postproduction, quality control (sound)
Sylvain Cajelais, technician sound postproduction, quality control (sound)
French subtitling production for 8 films: Robert Gray, Kinograph inc. / « l'autrement dit »
Sylvie Prieur, NFB translator
Nancy Barr, NFB editor
Louise Malette, NFB editor
Serge Gaudreau, specialist, effects and titles
Françoise Laprise, online editor
Denis Gathelier, NFB online editor
Pierre Ferlatte, head, technical coordination
Michel Lapointe, quality control technician
Suzanne Guévremont, clerk, product identification
Richard Cournoyer, supervisor, vaults and laboratories

Interviews with filmmakers and artists:
Jason Brennan, director, cinematographer and interviewer
Nathalie Davis, editor

Gil Cardinal
Hyacinthe Combary
Elisapie Isaac
René Sioui Labelle
Catherine Anne Martin
Alanis Obomsawin
Loretta Todd
Denis Charette

Other interview clips:
Zsuzsanna Kozak, intern, director and interviewer

Samuel Tremblay (alias Samian), un rappeur algonquin
Bis, rappeur de Loco Locass
Rachel Alouki Labbé
Rose-Anna McDougall

With thanks also to Monika Ille at APTN.

Site images
Lillian Anderson, researcher
Sophie Quévillon, NFB photo library technician and photographer

Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Walk www.yspw.org raises awareness on the tragic problem of youth suicide on reserves and in communities across Canada.

Canadiana.org www.canadiana.org is a digital library providing access to over 2,000,000 pages of Canada's printed heritage.

Canadian Heritage Gallery www.canadianheritage.ca publishes via the Internet an extensive collection of historical photos, original documents, Canadian artwork, maps, and illustrations, fully documented and researched for historical authenticity, and presented in a user-friendly format.

Daniel N. Paul www.danielnpaul.com hopes that information contained in this website will help users acquire a better understanding of the history, hopes, and aspirations of First Nation Peoples.

Eastern Woodland Publishing, Truro, NS www.strategis.ic.gc.ca along with the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq do the artwork and production of Aboriginal posters.

Glenbow Museun, Calgary, Alberta https://www.glenbow.org builds on a commitment to preserve western heritage while simultaneously providing visitors with a glimpse of the world beyond.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada www.ainc-inac.gc.ca strives to make Canada a better place for First Nations and Northern peoples.

Inuit Youth Voices www.pauktuutit.ca/youth/main.html is a related link of Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada www.pauktuutit.ca addressing the needs, concerns and issues facing Inuit youth.

Inuit Cultural Performers www.inuitculturalperformers.com are a group of young Inuit who are very involved in promoting and preserving the Inuit culture through performing traditional cultural presentations

Keewatin Career Development Corporation www.kcdc.ca / www.firstnationsnt.ca aims to use information and communications technology to increase the educational opportunities available in First Nations and remote communities.

McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal www.mccord-museum.qc.ca is a public research and teaching museum dedicated to the preservation, study, diffusion, and appreciation of Canadian history.

Métis National Council www.metisnation.ca established the Métis National Youth Advisory Council as one of numerous initiatives for youth to ensure that their nation continues to grow and strengthen into the new millennium

Office of Aboriginal Affairs, Government of Nova Scotia www.gov.ns.ca is responsible for coordinating the province's approach to Aboriginal issues.

Saskatchewan Learning www.sasked.gov.sk.ca supports the Aboriginal Elder/Outreach Program, bringing Aboriginal resource people such as Elders and cultural advisors into the school to encourage the building and enhancement of relationships between school divisions and the Aboriginal community.

Shaney Komulainen was a freelance photographer for the Canadian Press in Montréal, Québec and covered the Oka crisis at Kanehsatake in the summer of 1990.

West/Dunn Productions (Artistic Productions Limited) http://westdunn.ca/country.html a small independent producer of Canadian subjects, produced A Country by Consent / Un pacte, un pays, a digital history of Canada from pre-European contact to recent times. The principals, writer Linda West and cinematographer Bill Dunn, are based in Ottawa.

Windspeaker is Canada's most respected source for Aboriginal news and is published by the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society (AMMSA) www.ammsa.com. In addition to Windspeaker, AMMSA also publishes several regional publications, a business magazine and operates a radio network.

Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun www.yuxweluptun.com, a Coast Salish artist documents and promotes change in contemporary Indigenous history in large-scale paintings. His works explore political, environmental, and cultural issues.

First Nations University of Canada www.firstnationsuniversity.ca offers undergraduate and graduate degrees within an environment of Indian culture and history combining First Nation-oriented and standard areas of study in all programs.

Support for this project was provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage through Canadian Culture Online. This co-operation enables the NFB to pursue its mandate to extend access to its films to all Canadians.

© National Film Board of Canada | Copyright | Accessibility | Credits
This web site is partly funded by Canadian Culture Online