Cinema and Representation

This theme focuses on the ways in which Aboriginal peoples have been represented in NFB documentaries. Film excerpts illustrate how the representation of Aboriginal peoples has evolved over the last fifty years.


Caribou Hunters

Caribou Hunters 1

César's Bark Canoe/César et son Canot d'écorce

César's Bark Canoe/César et son Canot d'écorce 1

Circle of the Sun

Circle of the Sun 2

How to Build an Igloo

How to Build an Igloo 1

Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance

Kanehsatake 270 Years of Resistance 6

Land of the Long Day

Land of the Long Day 1

My Village in Nunavik

My Village in Nunavik 1

The Other Side of the Ledger: An Indian View of the Hudson's Bay Company

The Other Side of the Ledger: An Indian View of the Hudson's Bay Company 2

Totem: The Return of the G'psgolox Pole

Totem: The Return of the G'psgolox Pole 1

Caribou Hunters

1951, Director: Greenlees, Stephen

excerpt 1      1 min 43 s



This folkloric portrayal of Manitoban Crees and Chipewans filmed in 1951 shows the Indians happily doing business with the Hudson’s Bay Company.


1. Identify the stereotypical roles being portrayed in the segment at the trading post. How could the portrayal of the Dene hunters have been more authentic?

2. How does the film depict the importance of stewardship to the Cree and Dene of the North, and why is stewardship as important today to our Aboriginal people as it was when the film was made?

About This Film

Short Description

In 1951, the film captures nomadic Cree and Chippewa hunters accompanied by dog teams in a caribou hunt as they roam the northern Manitoba forests and tundra. Following the hunt, they take the furs to the Hudson’s Bay Trading Post for goods exchange.

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