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> Fact Sheet - Payroll Savings Program
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Fact Sheet - Payroll Savings Program
Line spacerThe Payroll Savings Program has been helping Canadians get into the savings habit since 1946. Research shows that of the millions of Canadians who currently own Canada Savings Bonds, many began purchasing them through the Payroll Savings Program.
Line spacerIn 2003-2004, about 800,000 buyers purchased $1.4 billion in savings bonds. About 12,000 companies and organizations across the country sponsor the plan each year.
Line spacerMany companies see the Payroll Savings Program as a natural complement to their other payroll deduction options. It is important for employees to have access to a variety of investment choices, including ones that are safe and secure like Canada Savings Bonds.
Line spacerEmployees maintain complete control over their investment, deciding how much they will contribute at each pay interval - from as little as $2 a week. Their money is never locked in and there are no fees of any kind.
Line spacerAn RRSP option is also available which means Canadians who already own Canada Savings Bonds can contribute all or part of their bonds into the Canada RSP.
Line spacerOnline service delivery options for the Payroll Savings Program now include a self-service feature, providing virtual 24-7 online access to Canada Savings Bonds accounts. Users can verify account information, transactions, tax information and interest income history, as well as make redemption requests online.

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Updated:    2007 03 23
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