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The Canada Premium Bond
The Canada Savings Bond
The Canada RSP
The Canada RIF
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How to redeem
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You may redeem all or some of your Canada Savings Bonds, subject to their terms and conditions, by presenting the certificates and proper identification at most financial institutions branches in Canada.
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The Canada Premium Bond is redeemable each year on the anniversary of the issue date and during the 30 days thereafter. When the CPB is held within The Canada RIF, it is cashable at any time without penalty if required to facilitate regular periodic payments. If CPBs are redeemed during the 30 days following the annual anniversary of the issue date, no interest will be earned for the period following the anniversary date.
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The Canada Savings Bond can be cashed at any time. If you cash your Canada Savings Bond within 3 months following the issue date, you will receive the full face value of the bond only. If you cash it after that date, you will receive the full face value plus all applicable interest earned for each full month elapsed since the issue date or anniversary of the issue date, as the case may be.
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If you are purchasing the CSB through the Payroll Savings Program, you may redeem all or some of your bonds virtually at any time by accessing If you don't have Internet access, you can redeem by calling 1 877 899-3599, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm (ET) and either use the automated service option or talk to a Customer Service Representative.
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Note: Your most recent bond purchase amount will be held for 15 days from the date the Bank of Canada receives your regular payroll deduction from your employer. Partial redemptions are not allowed within the first three months of the issue date of the bond.
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If you are holding the CPB or the CSB within The Canada RSP or The Canada RIF, you may redeem all or some of your bonds by writing to:
Canada Savings Bonds
Registered Products
P.O. Box 2390, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1K8
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Note: withdrawals from RRSPs and RRIFs may be subject to withholding tax.
CSBs - The gift that never goes out of style

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Updated:    2006 08 10
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