Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Oceans and Fish Habitat

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Marine Protected Areas - Areas of Interest

Four areas of interest have been set up as part of the Marine Protected Areas program. The purpose of establishing areas of interest is to facilitate the evolution of the national process for establishing MPAs, to protect certain areas that need early protection and management, and to evaluate and demonstrate the effects of MPAs in marine conservation and protection. To learn more about these areas of interest click on the links below

Bowie Seamount

Fact Sheet and Media
Fish at Bowie Seamount

Bowie Seamount Fact Sheet

Leading Tickles

Fact Sheet and Media
Leading Tickles

Leading Tickles Fact Sheet


Fact Sheet

Manicouagan Fact Sheet

Photo Credit:© A.T.R. Manicouagan

Race Rocks

Fact Sheet and Media
Starfish at Race Rocks

Race Rocks Fact Sheet

Learn more about Canada's designated Marine Protected Areas: