Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Oceans and Fish Habitat

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Guidelines for the Use of Explosives In or Near Canadian Fisheries Waters

Table 1

Setback distance (m) from centre of detonation of a confined explosive to fish habitat to achieve 100 kPa guideline criteria for various substrates.

The data in this table is incorrect and should not be used. A new table with correct data is found below.

Erratum: Updated as of December 6, 2000

 Wright, D.G., and G.E. Hopky. 1998. Guidelines for the use of explosives in or near

Canadian fisheries waters. Can Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2107: iv + 34p.
Table 1. Setback distance (m) from centre of detonation of a confined explosive to fish habitat to achieve 100 kPa guideline criteria for various substrates.
Substrate Type Weight of Explosive Charge (kg)
0.5 1 2 5 10 25 50 100
Rock 3.6 5.0 7.1 11.0 15.9 25.0 35.6 50.3
Frozen Soil 3.3 4.7 6.5 10.4 14.7 23.2 32.9 46.5
Ice 3.0 4.2 5.9 9.3 13.2 20.9 29.5 41.8
Saturated Soil 3.0 4.2 5.9 9.3 13.2 20.9 29.5 41.8
Unsaturated Soil 2.0 2.9 4.1 6.5 9.2 14.5 20.5 29.0