Government of Canada



Just for Families and Children:

  1. Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits
    Employment Insurance (EI) provides Compassionate Care Benefits to persons who have to be away from work temporarily to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill with a significant risk of death.
  2. Child Disability Benefit (CDB)
    The Child Disability Benefit (CDB) is a tax-free benefit for families who care for a child under age 18 with a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions.
  3. Nobody's Perfect
    The Nobody’s Perfect program provides parenting education and support to parents of children five years of age and under. It is designed to meet the needs of parents who are young, single, socially or geographically isolated or who have low income or limited formal education. Nobody’s Perfect reaches parents less likely to access resources or support in the community.

See all Health programs and services.