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British Columbia and the NCB

B.C. has been a leader in the fight to reduce child poverty and is a proud partner in the National Child Benefit.

The BC Family Bonus: B.C.'s pioneering BC Family Bonus program, launched in 1996, was a model for the National Child Benefit. About 430,000 children in low- and moderate-income families receive this monthly benefit.

BC Earned Income Benefit: This tax-free monthly benefit helps low- and moderate-income working families find jobs and keep them.

Supported Child Care: Extra support to children with special needs so they can take part in everyday activities in a community child care setting.

Social Housing: B.C. is one of only two provinces in Canada to support the development of social housing for low-income families.

For information on other British Columbia programs to support low- and moderate-income families, visit the Government of British Columbia web site.

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