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Yukon and the NCB

Yukon reinvested $225,000 in 2000/01 in initiatives that support the goals of the NCB. The Yukon government has invested an additional $640,000 to supplement these reinvestments, including fully funding the Yukon Child Benefit. The initiatives include:

Healthy Families Initiative - provides in-home assistance and education to new parents. The program also provides support to parents who are adapting to life with an infant and learning necessary skills to care for the child
www.hss.gov.yk.ca Family and Children Services Healthy Families.

Kids' Recreation Fund - the fund covers registration fees, equipment and supplies for sports, arts, cultural, recreational and social activities for children whose families are experiencing financial hardship. The fund is supported by the NCB reinvestment with an additional investment by the Territory to cover administrative costs.
www.hss.gov.yk.ca Funding Programs Kids' Recreation Fund

Food for Learning - provides funds to assist schools in offering nutrition programs such as breakfast, lunch or snacks for students who do not have enough to eat. It received a one-time NCB reinvestment in 1998-99 with ongoing funding provided by the Territorial government, donations and other sources.

Yukon Children's Drug and Optical Program - helps low-income families with the costs of prescription drugs and eye care for children up to the age of 18. Families pay a deductible based on their income and the number of family members.
www.hss.gov.yk.ca Health Services Children's Drug and Optical Program

Yukon Child Benefit (YCB) - The YCB is a tax-free monthly payment to help low-and modest-income families with the cost of raising children under age 18. Benefits are combined with the Canada Child Tax Benefit into a single monthly payment. The YCB provides a benefit of $25 per month for each child. Families with net income above $16,700 may receive part of the benefit. This program is funded by the Yukon with a contribution from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada on behalf of Status Indian children.

For more information, call 1-800-387-1193 or go to "Funding Programs" to get to "Yukon Child Benefit".

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