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Summit on the Millennium Development Goals
20-22 September 2010

The UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals concluded with the adoption of a global action plan to achieve the eight anti-poverty goals by their 2015 target date and the announcement of major new commitments for women's and children's health and other initiatives against poverty, hunger and disease. Visit the Summit website!

What's Going On?

World Water Day
Half of the world's people live in cities today, and the urban population is growing rapidly. About 828 million people live in slums or informal settlements, often without safe drinking water or toilets. World Water Day (22 March) this year focuses on "Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge." Events around the world spotlight the impacts of population growth, industrialization, climate change, conflicts and natural disasters on urban water systems.

UN Women -- for gender equality and the empowerment of women
UN Women -- the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women -- celebrated its creation at UN Headquarters on 24 February. "With the birth of UN Women, we welcome a powerful new agent for progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. The General Assembly voted unanimously to create the new entity last year, combining four previous UN bodies. UN Women is headed by former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

The State of the World’s Children 2011
The world is home to 1.2 billion adolescents aged 10 to 19. The vast majority of them live in developing countries and face a unique set of challenges. Investing in adolescent can break entrenched cycles of poverty and inequity and ensure that adolescence becomes an age of opportunity, according to a new report by UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children 2011: Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity.

Read the comic book: "Score the Goals"
Ten famous soccer players are the stars of the new comic book, "Score the Goals: Teaming Up to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals." Emmanuel Adebayor, Roberto Baggio, Michael Ballack, Iker Casillas, Didier Drogba, Luis Figo, Raúl, Ronaldo, Patrick Vieira, and Zinédine Zidane are shipwrecked on an island on their way to an all-star charity game. On the island, the team has to face the challenges of the eight Millennium Development Goals, before finally being rescued. The 32-page booklet was jointly produced by the UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace, UNDP, FAO, UNAIDS, the Stop TB Partnership and the UN Department of Public Information. It is available in English, French and Spanish.

Commission to track results for women's and children's health
The United Nations established a high-level commission to develop an accountability framework for the Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health. "Strengthening accountability is critical if we are to save the lives of more women and children," said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "We must ensure that partners deliver on their promises but, in turn, it is crucial that they know whether investments are leading to sustainable progress.” In September, at the Summit in New York, stakeholders committed US$40 billion in resources to a global effort to save the lives of 16 million women and children by 2015.

Watch the annual Match Against Poverty!
Two men in football match. UNDP Goodwill Ambassadors Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane and Didier Drogba are mobilizing a team from across Europe to take on an all-star team from Olympiacos in a friendly match as part of the global effort to reduce poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The match, kicking off at the Karaiskakis Stadium in Piraeus, Greece, at 9:15pm local time on 14 December aims to raise awareness and funds for the nearly 25 million people affected by the Haiti earthquake in January and the Pakistan floods that started in July.

Some 578 million Africans protected by anti-malaria nets
cover of World Malaria Report 2010 A massive scale-up in malaria control programmes between 2008 and 2010 has resulted in the provision of enough insecticide-treated mosquito nets to protect more than 578 million people at risk in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a new United Nations report. But new commitments for malaria control appear to have levelled off in 2010 at $1.8 billion, still far short of the estimated $6 billion required for the year in the battle against a disease that kills a child in the world every 45 seconds, nearly 90 per cent of them in Africa, the World Malaria Report 2010 says.

MDG Advocates speak out for education
During the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha, Qatar, three of the high-level Advocates for the Millennium Development Goals -- Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Ambassador Dho Young-shim and Professor Jeffrey Sachs -- spoke out on the importance of education. "Education is not just important -– it’s a priority", the Sheikha said. Ambassador Dho, noted that "in Korea, we are fortunate to live under the Confucius philosophy, 'everybody has to learn'." And Jeffrey Sachs, in a video address, stressed that, "without even a primary education, anybody is condemned to poverty in this world today." Watch the webcasts of the World Innovation Summit for Education.

Most of the world's poor live in rural areas
Rural Poverty Report 2011Even though 350 million rural people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty over the last ten years, global poverty remains a predominantly rural phenomenon. Seventy per cent of the world's 1.4 billion extremely poor people live in rural areas, according to the Rural Poverty Report 2011 released by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Download the report and watch the video on the IFAD website.

Significant declines in HIV infection rates
New trends in this year’s AIDS epidemic report show that the AIDS epidemic is beginning to change course, as the number of people newly infected with HIV is declining and AIDS-related deaths are decreasing. "We have finally reached the first part of Millennium Development Goal 6 -- by halting and beginning to reverse the spread of HIV," UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for World AIDS Day (1 December).

UN unveils Global Plan to Stop TB
A new initiative -- Global Plan to Stop TB 2011-2015 -- designed to combat tuberculosis, which claims the lives of nearly two million people across the world every year, could lead the way towards eliminating the disease if governments and donors commit enough funds, the World Health Organization announced. "There is an urgent need to scale up action against TB -- 10 million people, including 4 million women and children, will lose their lives unnecessarily between now and 2015 if we fail," said Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO, which hosts the Stop TB Partnership.

Donors pledge billions to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Donor countries, foundations and corporations meeting at the UN on 4-5 October pledged $11.7 billion in new funding over the next three years to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The largest-ever pledge for the collective effort to fight the three pandemics will allow the Global Fund to further support countries as they work to meet the Millennium Development Goals related to health. “At a time when so many Governments are tightening their belts at home, these commitments send a powerful message: It shows how seriously world leaders want to do the right thing beyond their borders, too, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Read a statement by some of the MDG Advocates.

Celebrities join push for action on the Millennium Development Goals
Antonio Banderas, Angelique Kidjo, Zinedine Zidane, Maria Sharapova and Annie Lennox are among the UN Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace who have been and will continue to champion the cause of the Millennium Development Goals. "I thank these outstanding leaders for joining our push to advance progress towards the Millennium Development Goals," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. "They are household names who are bringing the message of global justice and solidarity to homes and communities around the world."

UNICEF highlights need to focus on most disadvantaged children
Investing first in the world’s most disadvantaged children and communities can save millions of lives and help spur progress towards achieving internationally agreed development targets, according to a new study by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). “Our findings challenge the traditional thinking that focusing on the poorest and most disadvantaged children is not cost-effective,” said Anthony Lake, UNICEF’s Executive Director.

Eminent personalities to help mobilize global action on the MDGs
The members of the MDG Advocacy Group meet with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and General Assembly President Joseph Deiss on 22 September 2010, during the MDG Summit in New York.To galvanize support for the Millennium Development Goals, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has established an MDG Advocacy Group of eminent personalities who have shown outstanding leadership in promoting the implementation of the Goals. The Group, which includes Bill Gates, Wangari Maathai, Bob Geldof, Graça Machel, Muhammad Yunus and many others, supports the Secretary-General in building political will and mobilizing global action to achieve the Goals by the 2015 target date.

Music Stars Team Up to Score 8 Goals for Africa
8 goals for Africa.
Eight of Africa's best known musical talents are now lending their voices in support of the UN campaign for the Millennium Development Goals. "8 Goals for Africa" features Yvonne Chaka Chaka from South Africa, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Angelique Kidjo from Benin, Oliver Mtukudzi from Zimbabwe, Eric Wainaina from Kenya, Baba Maal from Senegal, and the Soweto Gospel Choir from South Africa. World renowned jazz musicians Hugh Masekela and Jimmy Dludlu from South Africa are instrumentalists on the track produced by Arthur Baker from the U.S.

Watch the music video!

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