The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario


Across Ontario, many not-for-profit community organizations are celebrating significant anniversaries, hosting conferences and fundraising galas, organizing cultural and sporting events, and honouring individuals and groups for exceptional public service.

The Lieutenant Governor salutes such initiatives by providing written messages of congratulations and support, along with a portrait photograph that can be included in printed materials.

To request a message for a special event, please complete the Message Request Form and provide comprehensive background information on the event, non-profit group, or individual(s) being honoured, to ensure that the message will be meaningful and relevant. A proposed text of up to 150 words would also be appreciated. Please allow six weeks for delivery of the message and photo.

Fax the form and background to 416-325-7787 or mail them to:

Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
Room 131, Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1A1