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November 19, 2007

Quick link to the Canada Year Book

See the free online version of the current Canada Year Book, as well as past issues and ordering information for print copies. Click on Canada Year Book under Quick Links on the Learning Resources page.

November 15, 2007

Aboriginal Studies: Key resources updated

See the redesigned page for Aboriginal Studies: Key resources, bringing together the most useful articles, maps, reference material and external links on Aboriginals.

Elementary Geography lesson: Urban and rural communities

See the lesson on urban and rural communities, suitable for elementary grades 3 to 6. Students compare the distinguishing features of urban and rural communities using data from the Canadian census.

October 31, 2007

2006 Canadian Agriculture at a Glance

The first article of the 2006 Agriculture at a Glance is now available: "The soybean, agriculture's jack-of-all-trades, is gaining ground across Canada".

From "Quick links" on the home page of Learning Resources, click on Canadian Agriculture at a Glance, then choose the 2006 edition.

September 27, 2007

Updated Quick Link: Census of Canada resources

See new animations and articles from the 2006 Census — including vignettes on the history of families and population settlement — on the updated Census of Canada resources page. Find it under “Quick Links” on the Learning Resources home page.

We have gathered the most useful census materials for the classroom into three tabs: Lessons, Key resources and Data. Watch for more 2006 Census resources to be added under ‘Key resources' as they are released throughout the coming year.

September 17, 2007

Redesign of Mathematics pages in Resources by School Subject

The Resources by School Subject pages for Mathematics have been completely redesigned. Resources are now divided by grade level – Kindergarten to Grade 5, Grades 6 to 8, and Grades 9 to 12. Within each grade level, there are three sections: Lessons, Key resources, and Data.

Lessons: These are divided into curriculum-relevant mathematics topics. Under each topic, lessons are further divided by the type of Statistics Canada resource they use (Census at School, Census of Canada, E-STAT, and Other).

Key resources: This page lists exercises, tools, and other resources, such as articles, function modelling resources, reference material, and external links.

Data: This section links to aggregate-level data tables and individual-level microdata files.

See http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/courses/math.htm.

August 23, 2007

Updated 'Quick links'

Please see these updated 'Quick Links' on the Learning Resources home page:

Canadian Social Trends now brings you more directly to articles and lessons listed by subject and by date.
Human Activity and the Environment links to the Teacher's Kit containing each annual edition of the publication and three related lesson plans.
Population pyramids includes new animations, an interactive tool for comparisons and many new pyramids, all recently released from the 2006 Census.

July 20, 2007

A new math lesson 'Is it worth completing university?'

Students learn how to use census data from E-STAT with data analysis software. Students investigate the correlation between the proportion of people with a completed university degree and average income using census tract data for a large urban centre. Data are graphed in a scatter graph and mapped with E-STAT, then brought into a data analysis software program for regression and correlation analysis. This lesson is intended to serve as an introduction to using census data on E-STAT for analysis projects.

July 3, 2007

Annual summer update and new features of the CANSIM1 database in E-STAT

CANSIM lets you track trends in virtually every aspect of Canadian life. This latest update includes software enhancements as well as new tables and updates to most of the existing tables. Changes are described below under the headings "Data" and "New features for the Search Options":


  • As of July 2007, approximately 2,700 tables accounting for over 36 million time series have been updated.

  • Please note that the CANSIM tables from the Canadian vehicle survey are unavailable to users (frozen):

    405-0005 to 405-0020
    405-0026 to 405-0036
    405-0039 to 405-0042
    405-0044 to 405-0046
    405-0101 to 405-0110
    4050055 to 405-0070
    405-0072 to 405-0086
    405-0088 to 4050090
    405-0097 to 405-0098
    405-0111 to 405-0120

New features for the Search Options:

To find the tables you are looking for:

  • Browse the updated directory of all tables available on CANSIM.

  • You can choose CANSIM data by subjects. Statistics Canada has implemented a new subject classification to better reflect the content of the information on its website. New terms, such as 'Aboriginal peoples,' 'Children and youth' and 'Ethnic diversity and immigration,' have been added.

With these changes, E-STAT is an even richer source of current and historical information on Canada and Canadians.

You can access the CANSIM database from the E-STAT side-bar. Click Search CANSIM.

1CANSIM stands for the Canadian Socio-economic Information Management System.

June 27, 2007


Please see our new feature article available on the Students and Teachers sidebars.

June 7, 2007

The function modelling resource has recently been updated. Each type of mathematical function is now illustrated by a graph of actual data generated from E−STAT, instead of a generic graph image.

We added three new data series that can be modelled by a linear function (median age, life expectancy, and bottled water) and one by a sinusoidal function (employment in the public sector).

Teachers can now also access the best E−STAT graphs to use as examples of each type of function under the Suggestions for Classroom Use heading.


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