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Crown Copyright & Licensing

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Photocopying, digitizing, downloading, printing from the Internet, e-mail forwarding as well as the performance of music, sound and video recordings are all activities subject to copyright.

Copyright in Canada is a matter of federal jurisdiction and is governed by the Canadian Copyright Act r.s.c. 1985, c-42. [] The same copyright rules apply all across Canada. What is permitted or prohibited is the same in every province and territory.

The Government of Canada is involved in many facets of copyright law and policy. While various departments and agencies have parts to play, the Crown Copyright & Licensing (CCL) web site - will focus on the rules and guidelines pertaining to copyright in Government of Canada works under Section 12 of the Copyright Act.

The CCL web site aims to provide both the public and Government of Canada departments and agencies with basic information on Crown copyright as well as its administration and management.

Who is protected by copyright? What is protected? How do I apply for copyright clearance? Are common questions that are answered on this site.

Please do not hesitate to browse our web site. We think that you will find the information interesting and informative. If your questions are not answered here please contact us.

Enjoy your visit to our site!

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