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Military history of Canada
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Military History of Canada
Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M8
Tel. (819) 776-8600
toll-free 1-800-555-5621
Image Bill Kent, CWM

Exhibitions and Galleries

Located behind the north face of the open storage, the highest point in the museum is called Regeneration Hall. This strikingly narrow space features angled walls that tower dramatically over visitors.

As visitors enter the Hall from the permanent exhibition on the upper level, subdued lighting slows their pace, forcing them to pause as their eyes adjust. For a moment, they are presented with a tightly framed view of the Peace Tower silhouetted against the sky through a narrow window. As they descend from the upper level of the Hall to the ground floor, the view of the Peace Tower disappears, and the plaster model of Walter Allward's sculpture Hope from the Vimy Memorial comes into view. Other compelling plaster figures by Allward designed for this Canadian memorial in France collectively instill a sense of human strength and spirit into the Hall.

Regeneration Hall
Photo: Bill Kent, CWM

Shifting spots of light spelling out "lest we forget" and "n'oublions jamais" in Morse code animate the north wall. Spiritual without being religious, Regeneration Hall is quiet, solemn, and memorable: it is a physical representation of hope for a more peaceful future.

Created: May 6, 2005. Last update: July 28, 2006
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