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Memoranda of Understanding

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The Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) and its affiliate, the Canadian War Museum (CWM) have always been active in joint collaborative projects with other museums and institutions. In 1992, to give formal recognition to these relationships, a program using Memoranda of Understanding was put in place to encourage sharing of knowledge and expertise with other organizations. These Memoranda of Understanding have promoted collaboration and have served to bring about both inter-institutional exhibits and special events.

So far there are many institutions that have signed Memoranda of Understanding with the CMC and its affiliate the CWM. A list of those institutions is shown here below; when possible, a link to their Web sites has been provided. You may also view an unsigned copy of a generic agreement.

If you have further questions or would like more information please send an e-mail to this address:

Memoranda of Understanding

The Ukrainian Museum of Canada (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
The Museum of Northern British Columbia (Prince Rupert, British Columbia)
Le Musée de la civilisation (Québec, Québec)
Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario)
Institut du Monde Arabe (Paris, France) (French only)
The Vancouver Museum (Vancouver, British Columbia)
The Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (Regina, Saskatchewan)
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (Ottawa, Ontario)
Provincial Museum of Alberta (Edmonton, Alberta)
Glenbow Museum (Calgary, Alberta)
Old Massett Village Council, Haida Gwaii (Old Massett, British Columbia)
Musée amérindien de Mashteuiatsh (Mashteuiatsh, Quebec)
La Fondation Ushket - André Michel (Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec) (French only)
Canada Post Corporation (Ottawa, Ontario)
La Direction du Patrimoine culturel du Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) (French only)
La Chaire pour le développement de la recherche sur la culture d'expression française en Amérique du Nord (CEFAN) (French only)
The Canadian Conservation Institute (Ottawa, Ontario)
Pan American Institute of Geography and History (Mexico, Mexico)
Vancouver Maritime Museum (Vancouver, British Columbia)
Aanischaakamikw Cultural Institute
Corporation des fêtes historiques du Québec (Québec, Québec)
National Museum of the American Indian (Washington D.C.)
Tsimshian Tribal Council (Prince Rupert, British Columbia)
Inuit Heritage Trust (Iqaluit, Nunavut)
Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario)
Art Conservation Program, Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario)
Mi'kmaq Heritage in Nova Scotia (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

Created: October 7, 1998. Last update: November 5, 2007
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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