Plant Biotechnology Institute


Technology Service Units

PBI's top-calibre technical services are available to third-party clients on a fee-for-service basis, for collaborative research projects and to companies that are incubating at PBI's new Industry Partnership Facility. Services include:

PBI's Industry Partnership Facility

Industry Partnership Facility

PBI has a proven track record of helping R&D companies of all sizes turn their research into commercial success stories. By incubating your research at PBI you can preserve cash flow, access state of the art equipment without the cost of ownership and work with world-class scientists to help develop your idea into a commerically viable product.

DNA Sequencing/Gene Synthesis

DNA sequencing read-out

The DNA Technologies unit is a core facility that utilizes the latest commercial technology to provide high throughput DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis and custom gene synthesis, and assembly in support of genomics and biotechnology programs. The group has also integrated sequencing technologies with robotics and a high throughput capillary electrophoresis (CE) instrument for DNA sequence analysis.

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Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry equipment

PBI's Mass Spectrometry Lab provides expertise and analyses of proteins, natural products and other biologically important molecules for industry, government and academic researchers. The MS lab has state of the art equipment for proteomics, separation technologies and quantitation of biomolecules.

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Plant Hormone Profiling

PBI offers plant hormone profiling on a service or collaborative basis to plant biologists. Our analytical approach enables the quantification of multiple plant signaling molecules in a single plant sample, using labeled internal standards.

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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

NMR of a canola seed

PBI's nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Lab houses high resolution spectrometers for solution spectroscopy for structure determination of proteins and small molecules. The Lab has solids and microimaging instrumentation and expertise for studying plant composition and biological processes non-destructively.

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Transgenic Plant Centre

TPC green house

The Transgenic Plant Centre is a specialized unit within PBI established to provide expertise and facilities for the production and assessment of plants developed through collaborative projects. These facilities are leased on a cost-recovery basis for the assessment of transgenic plants, plants developed through microspore culture and plants produced through other biotechnologies.

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An in-house branch of CISTI (Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) provides access to one of the best scientific-technical collections in the world.

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Our Research

Our Technology Services

DNA Sequencing/Gene Synthesis
Mass Spectrometry
Plant Hormone Profiling
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Transgenic Plant Centre

Our Business Services

Our Industry Partnership Facility

NRC-PBI Seminars

NRC-PBI Bulletin

National Research Council-Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada