Government of Canada

Index of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Employment Insurance (EI)

More information about Employment Insurance (EI)

Complete list of FAQs for individuals on EI key-subjects
Other FAQs are available for employers

General Information
Easy access to most common asked questions concerning EI benefits.

On-line application
Information and instructions about applying for EI benefits using the Internet.

Internet Reporting Service
How to submit your EI report via the Internet?

Maternity, Parental and Sickness Benefits
What are the qualifying conditions to receive maternity, parental and sickness benefits?

Compassionate Care Benefits
Do you have to be away from work to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill? Questions and answers that will help you every step of the way.

Fishing benefits
Who and how to qualify for this type of benefits? How much can you receive? Answer to these and other questions.

T4Es and Itemized Statements
When are the T4E forms issued? Have you received more than one T4E? You did not receive EI, but you received a T4E. You disagree with the information on your T4E. Find answers to your questions.

How to request a copy of a Record of Employment (ROE)
You lost your copy of Record of Employment (ROE) already issued and you want another copy. Follow the instructions provided in the Questions and Answers.