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Natural Resources Canada
Priorities (2006-2009)
.Economic Opportunities
.A clean environment
.Climate Change
.Public Safefy and Security

.National initiatives

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ÿEarth Sciences Sector
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Earth Sciences Sector
National initiatives (2006-2009)

National Initiatives graphic

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (National Initiative)

Web site: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program

A key question Canadians ask: what are we doing to ensure Canadians can adapt to a changing climate?

This national initiative supports the generation of improved knowledge of Canada's vulnerability to climate change with a goal to better assess the risks and benefits posed by a changing climate and to build the foundation upon which appropriate decisions on adaptation can be made. It supports research and related scientific activities to fill critical knowledge gaps regarding Canadian vulnerability to climate change; to undertake and support assessment of impacts and adaptation; to enhance collaboration between stakeholders and scientists; and to facilitate policy development. The knowledge generated in this activity will feed into policy through reports and the participation of decision-makers in the program elements.


  • Research reports and data that address gaps in knowledge about climate change impacts and adaptation in Canada.
  • National assessment of impacts and adaptation in Canada.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • Increased understanding of Canada's vulnerability to climate change, and adaptation as a response strategy.
  • Increased capacity to undertake research related to impacts and adaptation.
  • Improved collaboration between research and stakeholder community with greater stakeholder engagement in research.

GeoConnections (National Initiative)

Web site: GeoConnections

A key question Canadians ask: how can geomatics tools contribute to land-use, business decisions and economic growth?

GeoConnections is a national partnership program to evolve and expand the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI). The CGDI provides Canadians with on-demand access to geographic information (e.g. maps, satellite images) and related services and applications in support of sound decision making.


  • National framework and distributed datasets available through the CGDI.
  • A highly available, standards-based, interconnected network of data, tools, policies and client applications that form an infrastructure.
  • Stakeholder agreements resulting from common perception of CGDI benefits including strategies for overcoming policy/cultural barriers.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • Decision-makers and stakeholders benefit from using online geospatial information to address their issues.

Delineating Canada's Continental Shelf, under the United Nations Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (National Initiative)

A key question Canadians ask: what is the extent of Canada's offshore territory as defined under the law of the sea?

Following the ratification of UNCLOS in 2003, funding of $69 million was announced the next year to establish the outer limits of Canada's Arctic and Atlantic continental shelves. This program conducts seabed surveying and mapping in support of the development of Canada's submission for a juridical continental shelf under the UNCLOS. This investment will enable Canada to submit a claim, thereby achieving greater certainty with regards to its sovereignty over the Arctic and Atlantic continental shelves beyond the customary 200 nautucal mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and ownership of any mineral and hydrocarbon resources in those areas.


  • Coordinates of 2500 meter contour and foot of the slope.
  • Coordinates of outer limit based on sediment formula
  • Final set of coordinates of claimable outer limit for Atlantic and Arctic margins.
  • Report on legal opinion about the validity of a claim on the Pacific margin.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • The Canadian outer limit in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans is internationally recognized (this limit includes an area beyond 200 nm in both oceans that is the maximum allowed under UNCLOS)

Polar Continental Shelf Project (National Initiative)

Web site: Polar Continental Shelf Project (PCSP)

A key question Canadians ask: with all the scientific work in Canada's north, who coordinates logistical support so that these projects are cost efficient?

Polar Continental Shelf Project is a national service delivery agency that coordinates logistics support for Canadian government agencies, northern land claims, northern community, and independent and university groups conducting scientific activities in Canada's Arctic. Support is also provided on a full cost recovery basis to private sector and non-Canadian scientists.


  • Coordinated cost-effective and high-quality logistics support to research projects in the Canadian Arctic.
  • Logistics support to research in the Canadian Arctic provided in collaboration with northern communities and suppliers.
  • Contribution to the northern economy in terms of purchasing supplies and services and indirectly to job creation in northern communities.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • Increased scientific knowledge of the Arctic region and its adjacent waters contributes to current and emerging national priorities and to Canadian Arctic sovereignty.

2007-10-04Important notices