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Priorities (2006-2009)
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Earth Sciences Sector
Public Safety and Security (2006-2009)

Public Safety and Security graphic

Reducing Risk from Natural Hazards (Program)

Web site: Reducing Risk from Natural Hazards

A key question Canadians ask: how can we reduce the risk to Canadians from natural hazards?

The program will assess natural hazards and stimulate methods for reducing the losses resulting from their impact on the safety and economic well being of the Canadian population, economy and built environment. It will focus studies where risk assessments indicate that new mitigation and preparedness efforts would offer the largest potential to reduce losses due to vulnerabilities to the hazard. The legacy of the program will be databases, methods, and tools that can be used by those organizations responsible for the mitigation of, and preparedness for natural disasters. This work will be conducted in close co-operation with communities and partner groups to ensure that outputs are both useable and targeted.


  • Published reports on hazard process, conditions for occurrence, consequences and predictability.
  • Published reports on hazard predictability
  • Hazard inventories.
  • Accepted hazard assessments
  • Reports of methodologies for assessing vulnerability.
  • Papers defining methodology for risk assessment and risk reduction estimation.
  • Prioritized ESS hazard work plans based on estimates of their contribution to risk reduction.
  • Educational and communications materials.
  • A communication strategy, including media interviews and public presentations.
  • Assessment of planners and responders needs that includes focussed training material on natural hazards information for planning and response.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • Reduction of the impact of natural hazards on the safety and economic well-being of the Canadian population, economy and infrastructure by targeting investments of the best opportunities for risk reduction and on increasing resilience to hazards.

Canadian Hazards Information Service (Service to Government)

A key question Canadians ask: In the event of a civil emergency, how will government ensure timely access to needed hazard and geospatial information?

The service conducts monitoring and provides hazard information and products on an ongoing basis and in response to emergency situations involving earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, geomagnetic storms and radiological and nuclear incidents. This is accomplished through the provision of remote sensing, geomatics and material support by ESS to government agencies responsible for emergency response. Additionally, the service discharges NRCan responsibilities for ongoing monitoring under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.


  • Publicly accessible seismic GPS and geomagnetic data archives, earthquake catalogue, and earthquake and geomagnetic information products.
  • Timely and high-quality data streams for tsunami warnings.
  • Defined formats for data and information.
  • Timely reports of earthquakes on or near Canadian territory.
  • Earthquake hazard analysis.
  • Timely forecasts of geomagnetic activity.
  • Canadian Geomagnetic Reference Field published in a form for incorporation into aeronautical charts.
  • Clients receive adequate support for Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty verification affairs.
  • Digital or hard-copy geospatial information produced on demand.
  • Tailor geospatial products as required.
  • Robust plans and products for alerts and notification of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and geomagnetic storms affecting Canada.
  • Investigation of explosion events of interest.
  • Maps of types and distribution of radioactive isotopes.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • Providing geospatial hazard information products to the right people, in the appropriate form, in a timely fashion.

Canada/U.S. International Boundary Maintenance and 1925 Treaty Implementation (Service to Government)

Web site: Canada/U.S. International Boundary Maintenance and 1925 Treaty Implementation

A key question Canadians ask: Who is responsible for maintaining the boundary with the United States?

Under the auspices of the International Boundary Commission and conducted in partnership with the United States of America under treaty, this service maintains a well defined international boundary line and vista. Boundary maintenance involves inspection, monument restoration and maintenance, resurveying and vegetation clearing. These responsibilities also include the regulation of activities within the vista and providing advice to government on disputed areas.


  • Kilometres of the international boundary line maintained and regulated.
  • Updated five year and 15 year International Boundary Maintenance plan.
  • Joint Annual Reports completed and submitted to Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs and the United States Secretary of State.
  • Letters of authorization for construction
  • Unauthorized encroachments removed.
  • Turning points established on land.
  • Communications plan completed.
  • Buoys and range marks deployed and established.
  • New up-to-date official International Boundary Maps
  • Data sets converted to NAD83
  • Mathematically adjusted data sets.
  • Updated boundary monument and landowners database.

Long-Term Outcomes

  • The international boundary line is well defined and visible, supporting sovereignty and effective enforcement of customs, immigration, national security and other laws in Canada and the United States of America, as defined by Treaty.

2007-10-04Important notices