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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Marine and Freshwater Animals

The role of the department of Fisheries and Oceans in administering CITES

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is responsible for CITES activities in Canada that relate to species managed under the Fisheries Act.

DFO advises on matters regarding marine and freshwater species. In addition, regional DFO officers issue CITES Export Permits for marine and freshwater species. DFO does not issue CITES Import Permits nor have a role in the enforcement of CITES under WAPPRIITA.


Sea Otter
Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris), Appendix II

DFO's responsibilities are divided within the department between the Science and Fisheries Management sectors. Their respective responsibilites can be summarized as follows:

The science sector assumes the role of the Scientific Authority for CITES marine and freshwater species,

  • it participates in biennial Conferences of Parties where proposal to list species in the Appendices and policy matters are debated,
  • it formulates Canada's positions and policies on listing of CITES marine and freshwater species in the Appendices,
  • it contributes to CITES debate on criteria for listing species that are at risk due to commercial trade in the Appendices,
  • it assesses status of stocks and, when appropriate, issues 'non-detriment findings'for exports of Appendix I and II species.

The Fisheries Management Sector assumes the role of Management Authority for CITES marine and freshwater species,

  • it issues export permits,
  • it maintains a permit-issuing service across the country (and recruits and trains of a network of individuals in major population centres),
  • it compiles and maintains a database of CITES export permit issuance,
  • it reports annually to the CITES Management Authority at the Canadian Wildlife Service on permit issuance and related activities, monitors trade to ensure compliance with Canada's obligations to CITES,
  • it circulates information on CITES requirements to potential exporters, and responds to public inquiries on import and export matters.

CITES objectives regarding the import of marines species as well as the monitoring of institutions hosting marine species are implemented by the Management Authority of CWS.

Contacts at the Management and Scientific Authorities of DFO.

Click here for more information about DFO.