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OCA Hosts Second Inter-Disciplinary Seminar

On November 10, 2000, the Office of the Chief Actuary (OCA) hosted the second seminar on "Demographic and Economic Perspectives of Canada, years 2000-2050". The daylong seminar featured four guest speakers, including one economist, one sociologist and two actuaries who spoke to nearly 100 invited participants from across the country and from various provincial and federal organisations. For complete article, click here.

Guest speakers and their presentations:

Deborah Sunter
Director of the Labour Statistics Division
Statistics Canada
Presentation (140 KB, pdf format)

Tom Wilson
Director of the Policy and Economic Analysis Program, Institute for Policy Analysis, and
Professor of Economics
University of Toronto
Presentation (1.45 MB, pdf format)

Louis Adam, FCIA
Professor of Actuarial Science
Laval University
Presentation (167 KB, pdf format)

Robert L. Brown, FCIA
President of the Society of Actuaries and
Director of the Institute of Insurance and Pension Research
University of Waterloo
Presentation (411 KB, pdf format)