Business Start-Up Assistant
Your Information Site for Starting a Business in Canada

Business Start-Up Assistant
Brief Survey

Thank you for agreeing to complete this brief survey on the Business Start Up Assistant (BSA). Your input will help us improve our site and make it work better for you. Personal information collected on this survey is confidential, cannot be identified with any individual and is protected under the Privacy Act.

1. Gender

2. Age

3. What formal education do you have to date?

4. Where do you live?


6. Do you identify yourself as (can select more than one):

7. How did you learn about this Web site? Check all that apply.

9. Did the BSA help you find the information you were searching for?

10. If no, please identify the reason. You may select more than one.

11. Did the BSA help you start your own business?

12. Would you use the BSA again?

13. Would you recommend it to anyone else planning to start a business?

14. Please rate the BSA in the following areas:

  Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Ease of use and navigation
Overall layout and appearance
Range of topics covered
Relevancy of information
Comprehensiveness of information
Overall satisfaction with the BSA

16. May we contact you about the BSA?

17. If Yes, please provide us with the following information:

You can also contact us via e-mail at:
Thank you for completing the BSA survey.
This document is protected when submitted.

If you require personal assistance in starting your business, contact the Canada Business Service Centre in your region.