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Parlement du Canada
Section Gouvernement fédéral
Livres blancs Appendice
  1. White Papers are issued by the government as statements of policy and often set out proposals for legislative changes which may be debated before a Bill is introduced.
    House of Commons Weekly Information Bulletin  No. 9:22 Jan. 27, 1979.

  2. ... tool of participatory democracy  ... not unalterable policy commitment.
    DOERR, AUDREY D. The Role of White Papers. In: Doern, G.B. and Peter Aucoin. The Structures of Policy-making in Canada. Toronto, MacMillan, 1971. pp. 179-203.

  3. A white paper "is considered to be a policy document, approved by Cabinet, tabled in the House of Commons and made available to the general public."
    DOERR, AUDREY D. The Role of White Papers in the Policy-making Process: the Experience of the Government of Canada. 1973. Thesis (Ph.D) - Carleton University. 1. 56

  4. The provision of policy information through the use of white and green papers can help to create an awareness of policy issues among parliamentarians and the public and to encourage an exchange of information and analysis. They can also serve as educational techniques.
    DOERR, AUDREY D. The Machinery of Government. Toronto, Methuen, 1981. p. 153.

  5. A white paper provides information on what the government is doing or intends to do on a policy matter.
    DOERR, AUDREY D. The Role of Coloured Papers: Information, Debate or Advocacy? Paper presented to the 1981 Annual Conference of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. Charlottetown, P.E.I., September 9, 1981. (Unpublished document) p. 1. Also published in Canadian Public Administration 25:367-79 Fall 1982.

  6. Le livre blanc fournit des informations sur ce que le gouvernement fait ou entend faire sur tel ou tel point de politique générale.
    DOERR, AUDREY D. Le rôle des livres de couleur : information, débat ou plaidoyer ? Étude présentée à la Conférence annuelle de 1981 de l'Institut d'administration publique du Canada. Charlottetown, I.-du-P.-É., 9 septembre 1981. (Document non-révisé). f. 2.

  7. A statement by government that sets out proposed policy relative to an issue with a government commitment to the core principles but a willingness to change position on lesser points.
    CANADA. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. CAREER ASSIGNMENT PROGRAM. 77-1. TASK FORCE GROUP. Public Input into the Government Policy Making Process: Discussion Paper: Report no. 1, Green and White papers. Ottawa, The Program, 1977. (Unpublished memorandum) 1. 1.

  8. ... White Papers have tried to perform the dual role of presenting firm government policies while at the same time inviting opinions upon them.
    PEMBERTON, JOHN E. Government Green Papers. Library World 71:49 Aug. 1969.

  9. On utilise les livres blancs comme des moyens de faire connaître les préférences en matière de politiques du gouvernement avant le dépôt d'une loi au Parlement... La publication d'un Livre blanc sert à sonder l'opinion publique touchant telle ou telle politique controversée et permet au gouvernement d'en évaluer l'impact probable.
    CHAPIN, HENRY et DENIS DENEAU. La participation des citoyens au processus d'établissement des politiques d'intérêt public : l'accès au processus d'établissement et le processus proprement dit. Ottawa, Conseil canadien de développement social, 1978. p. 39.

  10. White Papers are used as a means of presenting government policy preferences prior to the introduction of legislation... The publication of a White Paper serves to test the climate of public opinion regarding a controversial policy issue and enables the government to gauge its probable impact.
    CHAPIN, HENRY and DENIS DENEAU. Citizen involvement in Public Policy-making: Access and the Policy-making Process. Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development, 1978. p. 33.

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