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 Parliament of Canada
Federal government Section
Ministerial Resignations
"Resignation" has been defined as the discontinuation of a Minister's presence in the Cabinet before dissolution of Parliament, or before the end of a Ministry. Those Ministers who were in the Cabinet but who subsequently resigned as a result of failing to hold a seat in Parliament, have not been included. The same is true for those not included when a new Parliament was summoned. The following sources have been used in the making of this compilation: Guide to Canadian Ministries, July 1, 1867 - April 1973, and Supplement; Canadian Directory of Parliament, 1867-1967; House of Commons Debates and Journals; Senate Debates and Journals; Canada Gazette; Dominion Annual Register and Canadian Annual Review; Canadian News Facts; and various other biographical sources.
Search Criteria
^ 27th Ministry (2003.12.12 - 2006.02.05)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Comuzzi, Joseph R. (Joe) Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario) Disagrees with the government's same-sex marriage bill. (CBC News, Radio-Canada Nouvelles, 28.06.2005) 2003.12.12 - 2005.06.27
Sgro, Judy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Following allegations of political favoritism. (Toronto Star,14.01.2005) 2003.12.12 - 2005.01.13

^ 26th Ministry (1993.11.04 - 2003.12.11)
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Eggleton, Art Minister of National Defence Contravened conflict of interest rules by awarding an untendered contract to a former girlfriend. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 26.05.2002; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 27.05.2002; National Post, Le Devoir, 27.05.2002) 1997.06.11 - 2002.05.25
Finestone, Sheila Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women) To make room for new members. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 25.01.1996) 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.24
Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women) To make room for new members. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 25.01.1996) 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.24
MacAulay, Lawrence A. Solicitor General of Canada Was the subject of inquiry concerning allegations of conflict of interest. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 22.10.2002) 1998.11.23 - 2002.10.21
MacLaren, Roy Minister for International Trade To make room for new members. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 25.01.1996) 1995.05.13 - 1996.01.24
Marchi, Sergio Minister for International Trade Appointed Ambassador to the World Trade Organization. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 03.08.1999) 1997.06.11 - 1999.08.02
Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe Minister of Finance (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 02.06.2002) 1993.11.04 - 2002.06.01
Ouellet, André Minister of Foreign Affairs To make room for new members. (PMO-Release / Communiqué du CPM, 25.01.1996) 1995.05.13 - 1996.01.24
Scott, Andy Solicitor General of Canada Because of controversy surrounding the APEC inquiry as a result of comments he made. (Newsworld Online, 23.11.1998) 1997.06.11 - 1998.11.22
Tobin, Brian Vincent Minister of Industry To spend more time with his family. (Montreal Gazette, 15.01.2002) 2000.10.17 - 2002.01.14
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans To seek the premier's job in Newfoundland. (The Citizen, 09.01.1996) 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.08

^ 24th Ministry (1984.09.17 - 1993.06.24)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Bissonnette, André Minister of State (Transport) Was the subject of a RCMP investigation into apparent land speculation in his riding. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 19.01.1987) 1986.06.30 - 1987.01.18
Blais-Grenier, Suzanne Minister of State (Transport) Publicly condemns her own government for allowing the closure of a Montreal oil refinery (Gulf) (Ottawa Citizen, 02.01.1986) 1985.08.20 - 1985.12.31
Bouchard, Benoît Minister of National Health and Welfare Appointed Canada's Ambassador to France on June 18th, 1993. (Ottawa Citizen, 18.01.1993; Commons Debates Index / Index des débats de la Chambre, 1991-93) 1991.04.21 - 1993.06.17
Bouchard, Lucien Minister of the Environment Disagrees with the governmment's proposals to amend the Meech Lake Accord. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 22.05.1990) 1989.01.30 - 1990.05.21
Charest, Jean J. Minister of State (Youth), Minister of State (Fitness and Amateur Sport) and Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons Tried to speak to a judge about a case on which the judge was ruling. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 24.01.1990) 1988.03.31 - 1990.01.23
Coates, Robert Carman Minister of National Defence Placed himself in a compromising situation while on business as Minister of National Defence in West Germany. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 12.02.1985; Ottawa Citizen, 13.02.1985) 1984.09.17 - 1985.02.12
Côté, Michel Minister of Supply and Services Contravened conflict of interest guidelines by failing to report a personal loan. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 03.02.1988) 1987.08.27 - 1988.02.02
Crombie, David Edward Secretary of State of Canada Appointed a Commissioner to inquire into the Toronto Waterfront, March 31, 1988. (The Globe and Mail, 01.04.1988) 1986.06.30 - 1988.03.30
de Cotret, Robert René Secretary of State of Canada Would not be running in the next election, said he wished to step down if the cabinet was shuffled. (Ottawa Citizen, 05.01.1993) 1991.04.21 - 1993.01.03
Epp, Arthur Jacob (Jake) Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Would not be running in the next election, said he wished to step down if the cabinet was shuffled. (Ottawa Citizen, 05.01.1993) 1989.01.30 - 1993.01.03
Fraser, John Allen Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Because of controversy surrounding the sale of tainted tuna cans. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 18.09.1985-24.09.1985; P.M.O. Release, 23.09.1985) 1984.09.17 - 1985.09.23
La Salle, Roch Minister of State Was the subject of various incidents embarrassing to the government. (La Presse, Globe and Mail, 20.02.1987) 1986.06.30 - 1987.02.19
Masse, Marcel Minister of National Defence Would not be running in the next election, said he wished to step down if the cabinet was shuffled. (Ottawa Citizen, 05.01.1993) 1991.04.21 - 1993.01.03
Minister of Communications Being the subject of inquiry concerning an alleged violation of the Canada Elections Act, resigns to protect the integrity of the Government. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 25.09.1985) 1984.09.17 - 1985.09.25
Merrithew, Gerald Stairs Minister of Veterans Affairs Would not be running in the next election, said he wished to step down if the cabinet was shuffled. (Ottawa Citizen, 05.01.1993) 1988.12.12 - 1993.01.03
Redway, Alan Minister of State (Housing) Was the subject of inquiry concerning an alleged violation of the Aeronautics Act at Ottawa International Airport. (Globe and Mail, Le Droit, 16.03.1991) 1989.01.30 - 1991.03.14
Stevens, Sinclair McKnight Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion Was the subject of inquiry concerning allegations of conflict of interest. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 12.05.1986) 1984.09.17 - 1986.05.12
Valcourt, Bernard Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Pleaded guilty to a drinking and driving offence. (Globe and Mail, Le Droit, 03.08.1989) 1989.01.30 - 1989.07.04
Winegard, William C. Minister for Science Would not be running in the next election, said he wished to step down if the cabinet was shuffled. (Ottawa Citizen, 05.01.1993) 1990.02.23 - 1993.01.03

^ 22nd Ministry (1980.03.03 - 1984.06.29)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Simmons, Roger Minister of State (Mines) On August 22, 1983, he said to have resigned for personal reasons. On September 12, 1983, in the House of Commons, he confirmed he was under investigation by the Dept. of National Revenue. (Ottawa Citizen, 23.08.1983; Commons Debates/Débats de la Chambre, 12.09.1983) 1983.08.12 - 1983.08.22

^ 20th Ministry (1968.04.20 - 1979.06.03)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Basford, Stanley Ronald Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Personal reasons. (C.N.F., 1978, p. 1996-3) 1975.09.26 - 1978.08.02
Benson, Edgar John Minister of National Defence Appointed President of the Canadian Transport Commission, September 1, 1972. (C.N.F., 1972, p. 884-1; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 07.10.1972) 1972.01.28 - 1972.08.31
Cadieux, Léo Alphonse Joseph Minister of National Defence Appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to France, July 24, 1970. (Canada Gazette, pt. I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 24.10.1970) 1968.04.20 - 1970.09.16
Fox, Francis Solicitor General of Canada Signed the husband's name on a hospital document to procure an abortion for a woman with whom he had had an affair. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 30.01.1978) 1976.09.14 - 1978.01.27
Greene, John James Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ill health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 18.02.1972) 1968.07.06 - 1972.01.27
Hellyer, Paul Theodore Minister of Transport Disagrees with the government's housing policy. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 24.04.1969) 1968.04.20 - 1969.04.29
Macdonald, Donald Stovel Minister of Finance Personal and family reasons. Announced his resignation September 6, 1977 but stayed on until a new minister was appointed. (C.N.F., 1977, p. 1816-2) 1975.09.26 - 1977.09.15
Marchand, Jean Minister of the Environment In protest against the government's handling of the air controllers' strike. (C.N.F., 1976, p. 1593-3) 1976.01.22 - 1976.06.30
McIlraith, George James Solicitor General of Canada Personal and health reasons. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 13 and/et 14.01.1971) 1968.07.06 - 1970.12.21
Munro, John Carr Minister of Labour Called a judge on behalf of a Hamilton resident being tried for an offence - in violation of ministerial rules of conduct established by the Prime Minister. (C.N.F., 1978, p. 2001-2) 1972.11.27 - 1978.09.08
Ouellet, André Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Following comments Ouellet made on the acquittal by Mr. Justice Mackay, of the sugar companies accused of forming cartels and combines, Mr. Justice Mackay cited him for contempt of Court. He was found guilty of that charge by Associate Chief Justice Hugessen. He immediately appealed the decision and resigned because he didn't want his appeal to be heard in an atmosphere of political partisanship. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 16.03.1976) 1974.08.08 - 1976.03.15
Pelletier, Gérard Minister of Communications Appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to France, August 29, 1975. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, Index 1974-76) 1972.11.27 - 1975.08.28
Richardson, James Armstrong Minister of National Defence Opposes the entrenchment of language rights in the constitution and generally disagrees with the government's official languages policy. (Sessional Paper / Document parlementaire # 302-1/190) 1972.11.27 - 1976.10.12
Sharp, Mitchell William President of the Privy Council Wants to make room for younger ministers. (Montreal Star, 13.09.1976) 1974.08.08 - 1976.09.13
Turner, John Napier Minister of Finance Wants to return to private life. (C.N.F., 1975, p. 1441-1) 1972.01.28 - 1975.09.09

^ 19th Ministry (1963.04.22 - 1968.04.19)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Benidickson, William Moore Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys Called to the Senate, July 7, 1965. (C.D.P.; Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat, 18.01.1966) 1963.04.22 - 1965.07.06
Cardin, Louis-Joseph-Lucien Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Health and to return to his law practice. (C.N.F., 1967, p. 49-3) 1965.07.07 - 1967.04.03
Chevrier, Lionel Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed High Commissioner for Canada in London, February 6, 1964. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 19.02.1964) 1963.04.22 - 1964.02.02
Denis, Azellus Postmaster General Called to the Senate, February 3, 1964. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates/Débats de la Chambre, 19.02.1964; Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat, 18.02.1964) 1963.04.22 - 1964.02.02
Deschatelets, Jean-Paul Minister of Public Works Personal reasons. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 16.02.1965) 1963.04.22 - 1965.02.11
Dupuis, Yvon Minister Without Portfolio Accused of exerting undue influence in the matter of a provincial race track project in St. Luc, in his constituency of St. Jean-Iberville-Napierville (Quebec). (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 16.02.1965) 1964.02.03 - 1965.01.21
Gordon, Walter Lockhart President of the Privy Council He wished to resign his seat in the Commons but Gordon reluctantly accepted a position in the Cabinet at the request of the Prime Minister. He resigned as soon as the report of the Task Force on the Structure of Canadian Industry, prepared for the Privy Council Office, was submitted. (Pearson, L.B. "Mike." 1965. v.3, pp. 226-35) 1967.04.04 - 1968.03.10
Minister of Finance and Receiver General In his letter of resignation to the Prime Minister, he states that he "... gave (the PM) bad advice, both as a minister and as a campaign chairman" in recommending "to call an election on the grounds (they) needed a majority to govern the country ..." (C.D.P.; C.A.R., 1965) 1963.04.22 - 1965.11.10
LaMarsh, Julia Verlyn (Judy) Secretary of State of Canada She would never serve in a Trudeau cabinet. (C.N.F., 1968, p. 50-1) 1965.12.18 - 1968.04.09
Lamontagne, Maurice Secretary of State of Canada Following unfounded Opposition charges linking Lamontagne and Tremblay to the so-called furniture scandal (bankruptcy in Montreal of the Selkind brothers) the Prime Minister found that "they had been so undermined as politicians that their usefulness had been practically destroyed and regretfully accepted their resignation. (C.A.R., 1965; Pearson, L.B. "Mike." 1965. pp. 161-2, 214-15) 1964.02.03 - 1965.12.17
Pickersgill, John Whitney Minister of Transport Appointed President of the Canadian Transport Commission, September 19, 1967. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 25.09.1967; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 30.09.1967) 1964.02.03 - 1967.09.18
Tremblay, René Postmaster General Following unfounded Opposition charges linking Lamontagne and Tremblay to the so-called furniture scandal (bankruptcy in Montreal of the Selkind brothers) the Prime Minister found that "they had been so undermined as politicians that their usefulness had been practically destroyed and regretfully accepted their resignation. (C.A.R., 1965; Pearson, L.B. "Mike". 1965. pp. 161-2, 214-5) 1965.02.15 - 1965.12.17
Winters, Robert Henry Minister of Trade and Commerce To contest the Liberal Party leadership. Submitted his resignation on February 28, 1968, but did not expect the Prime Minister to accept it until dissolution. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 29.02.1968; Pearson, L.B. "Mike." 1975. vol. 3, p. 324) 1966.01.04 - 1968.03.29

^ 18th Ministry (1957.06.21 - 1963.04.21)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Brooks, Alfred Johnson Minister of Veterans Affairs Called to the Senate, September 12, 1960. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 17.11.1960; Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat, 17.11.1960) 1957.06.21 - 1960.10.10
Comtois, Paul Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, October 6, 1961. (C.D.P.; Canada Gazette, pt.I /Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 21.10.1961) 1957.08.07 - 1961.10.06
Courtemanche, Henri Secretary of State of Canada Health. Called to the Senate, January 20, 1960. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 19.01.1960; C.D.P.; Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat, 20.01.1960) 1958.05.12 - 1960.01.19
Harkness, Douglas Scott Minister of National Defence Difference of opinion on a matter of principle concerning the Government's defence policy, specifically the nuclear arms question. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 04.02.1963) 1960.10.11 - 1963.02.03
Macdonnell, James MacKerras Minister Without Portfolio Health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 14.01.1960) 1957.06.21 - 1959.08.19
Pearkes, George Randolph Minister of National Defence Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, October 12,1960. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 17.11.1960; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 22.10.1960) 1957.06.21 - 1960.10.10

^ 17th Ministry (1948.11.15 - 1957.06.20)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Abbott, Douglas Charles Minister of Finance and Receiver General Appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, July 1, 1954. (C.D.P.; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 17.07.1954) 1948.11.15 - 1954.06.30
Bradley, Frederick Gordon Secretary of State of Canada Called to the Senate, June 12, 1953. (C.D.P.; Journals of the Senate / Journaux du Sénat, 12.11.1953) 1949.04.01 - 1953.06.11
Chevrier, Lionel Minister of Transport Appointed President, St-Lawrence Seaway Authority, July 1, 1954. (C.D.P.; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 17.07.1954) 1948.11.15 - 1954.06.30
Claxton, Brooke Minister of National Defence To become Canadian Vice-President, Metropolitan Insurance Co. (C.D.P.; Commons Debate / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1955) 1948.11.15 - 1954.06.30
Fournier, Alphonse Minister of Public Works Appointed Puisne Judge, Exchequer Court of Canada, June 12, 1953. (C.D.P.; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 27.06.1953) 1948.11.15 - 1953.06.11
MacKinnon, James Angus Minister Without Portfolio Decided to retire. (Pickersgill, J.W. "My years with Louis St-Laurent." 1975. pp. 104-05) 1949.04.01 - 1950.12.13
Mayhew, Robert Wellington Minister of Fisheries Appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Japan, October 15, 1952. (Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 08.11.1952.) 1948.11.15 - 1952.10.14
Rinfret, Édouard-Gabriel Postmaster General Appointed Puisne Judge, Court of Queen's Bench, Quebec, February 13, 1952. (C.D.P.; Canada Gazette, pt. I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 23.02.1952) 1949.08.25 - 1952.02.12

^ 16th Ministry (1935.10.23 - 1948.11.14)
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Casgrain, Pierre-François Secretary of State of Canada Appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of Quebec, December 15, 1941. (Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 27.12.1941) 1940.05.09 - 1941.12.14
Dunning, Charles Avery Minister of Finance and Receiver General Health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.09.1939) 1935.10.23 - 1939.09.05
Elliott, John Campbell Postmaster General Health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 23.01.1939) 1935.10.23 - 1939.01.22
Glen, James Allison Minister of Mines and Resources Protracted illness. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 11.06.1948) 1945.04.18 - 1948.06.10
Ilsley, James Lorimer Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada To give attention to his personal affairs (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 30.06.1948) 1946.12.10 - 1948.06.30
Mackenzie, Ian Alistair Minister of Veterans Affairs Health. Called to the Senate, January 18, 1948. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 26.01.1948) (Journals of the Senate/Journaux du Sénat, 27.01.1948) 1944.10.18 - 1948.01.18
Ralston, James Layton Minister of National Defence Advised the Prime Minister to depart from the policy of the voluntary system because of a shortage of reinforcements overseas. Advice rejected. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 29.11.1944) 1940.07.05 - 1944.11.01
Thorson, Joseph Thorarinn Minister of National War Services Appointed President of the Exchequer Court of Canada, October 6, 1942. (C.D.P.; Canada Gazette, pt.I / Gazette du Canada, ptie I, 17.10.1942) 1941.06.11 - 1942.10.05

^ 15th Ministry (1930.08.07 - 1935.10.22)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Duranleau, Alfred Minister of Marine Appointed Puisne Judge, Superior Court of Quebec, July 20, 1935. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 11.02.1936) 1930.08.07 - 1935.07.19
Guthrie, Hugh Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed Chief Commissioner, Board of Railway Commissioners, August 12, 1935. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 11.02.1936) 1930.08.07 - 1935.08.11
Macdonald, John Alexander Minister Without Portfolio Called to the Senate, July 20, 1935. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 11.02.1936) 1930.08.07 - 1935.08.13
MacLaren, Murray Minister of Pensions and National Health Because of the recent appointment of Richard Burpee Hanson as Minister of Trade and Commerce, also of New Brunswick, he resigned to preserve the balance of provincial representation in the Ministry. (C.A.R., 1934, p.32) 1930.08.07 - 1934.11.16
Matthews, Robert Charles Minister of National Revenue Ill health. (C.A.R., 1935-1936) 1933.12.06 - 1935.08.13
Robertson, Gideon Decker Minister of Labour Ill health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 05.02.1932) 1930.08.07 - 1932.02.02
Ryckman, Edmond Baird Minister of National Revenue Ill health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 26.01.1934) 1930.08.07 - 1933.12.01
Sauvé, Arthur Postmaster General Called to the Senate, July 20, 1935. (C.D.P.; C.A.R., 1935-1936; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 11.02.1936) 1930.08.07 - 1935.08.13
Stevens, Henry Herbert Minister of Trade and Commerce Ill heath and difference of opinion with the Prime Minister who condemns certain of his actions as Chairman of the Royal Commission on Price Spreads and Mass Buying. (C.A.R., 1934; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 21.01,1935, 12.04.1935) 1930.08.07 - 1934.10.26

^ 14th Ministry (1926.09.25 - 1930.08.06)
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Forke, Robert Minister of Immigration and Colonization Called to the Senate, December 30, 1929. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 24.02.1930) 1926.09.25 - 1929.12.29

^ 12th Ministry (1921.12.29 - 1926.06.28)
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Bureau, Jacques Minister of Customs and Excise Prime Minister asked him to give back his portfolio for reasons of health, and in recognition of his services appointed him to the Senate, September 5, 1925. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 24.06.1926) 1921.12.29 - 1925.09.04
Fielding, William Stevens Minister of Finance and Receiver General Health; Member of the United Kingdom Privy Council in 1923 (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 23.04.1926) 1921.12.29 - 1925.09.04
Gouin, Jean Lomer Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 28.02.1924) 1921.12.29 - 1924.01.03
Graham, George Perry Minister Without Portfolio Appointed Chairman of the Tariff Advisory Board, April 7, 1926. (Order in Council / Arrêté en conseil P.C. 1926-530; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 25.03.1926, 20.04.1926) 1926.02.20 - 1926.04.06
McKenzie, Daniel Duncan Solicitor General of Canada Appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, April 11, 1923. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 12 and/et 13.04.1923) 1921.12.29 - 1923.04.10
McMurray, Edward James Solicitor General of Canada "Matters of a professional and private nature." (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 22.05.1925) 1923.11.14 - 1925.05.22

^ 10th Ministry (1917.10.12 - 1920.07.09)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:
Unionist (Conservative and Liberal)

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Burrell, Martin Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue Appointed Parliamentary Librarian, July 8, 1920. (C.D.P.) 1919.12.31 - 1920.07.07
Carvell, Frank Broadstreet Minister of Public Works Appointed Chief Commissioner, Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, August 2, 1919. (C.D.P.) 1917.10.13 - 1919.08.01
Crerar, Thomas Alexander Minister of Agriculture Disagrees with the government's budget particularly the fiscal policy. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 06 and/et 11.06.1919) 1917.10.12 - 1919.06.11
Crothers, Thomas Wilson Minister of Labour Health. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 03.03.1919) 1917.10.12 - 1918.11.06
Maclean, Alexander Kenneth Minister Without Portfolio Having agreed to serve in a Unionist government for the duration of the war, he re-aligned himself with the Liberal Party in 1920 and resigned. (C.A.R., 1920, pp. 392,399) 1917.10.23 - 1920.02.24
Mewburn, Sydney Chilton Minister of Militia and Defence With the termination of the war and the task to carry out the problem of demobilization almost completed; "feels that his contract has terminated and that the administration of the department should be handed over to someone else." (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 15.03.1920) 1917.10.12 - 1920.01.15
White, William Thomas Minister of Finance and Receiver General Health problems and desire to return to private business. (C.A.R., 1919) 1917.10.12 - 1919.08.01

^ 9th Ministry (1911.10.10 - 1917.10.11)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Hughes, Samuel Minister of Militia and Defence Asked to resign over a difference of opinion concerning the control and co-ordination of Canadian military interest in England. (Hutchison, B. "Mr. Prime Minister, 1867-1964." 1964. pp. 158-61) 1911.10.10 - 1916.10.12
Monk, Frederick Debartzch Minister of Public Works Because the "Government decided not to institute a plebiscite on the question of a naval contribution." (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 26.11.1912) 1911.10.10 - 1912.10.28
Nantel, Wilfrid Bruno Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Deputy Chief Commissioner, Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, October 20, 1914. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 04.02.1915) 1911.10.10 - 1914.10.19
Pelletier, Louis-Philippe Postmaster General Health. Appointed Puisne Judge, Superior Court of Quebec, November 18, 1914. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 16.02.1915; C.D.P.) 1911.10.10 - 1914.10.19
Rogers, Robert Minister of Public Works Disagrees with the Government's desire to form a coalition between the Liberals and Conservatives. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 21.08.1917) 1912.10.29 - 1917.08.22

^ 8th Ministry (1896.07.11 - 1911.10.06)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Bernier, Michel Esdras Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Deputy Chief Commissioner, Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, February 1, 1904. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 10.03.1904) 1900.06.22 - 1904.01.18
Blair, Andrew George Minister of Railways and Canals Disagrees with the policy concerning the transcontinental railway project. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 16.07.1903) 1896.07.20 - 1903.07.20
Davies, Louis Henry Minister of Marine and Fisheries Appointed Puisne Judge, Supreme Court of Canada, September 28, 1901. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 06.01.1902) 1896.07.13 - 1901.09.24
Emmerson, Henry Robert Minister of Railways and Canals Accused of being in a hotel in the city of Montreal with a person of ill-repute. Resigns not to embarrass the Prime Minister. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 02.04.1907) 1904.01.15 - 1907.04.02
Fitzpatrick, Charles Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, June 4, 1906. (C.D.P.) 1902.02.11 - 1906.06.03
Hyman, Charles Smith Minister of Public Works Health. (C.A.R., 1907; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 1906-07) 1905.05.22 - 1907.08.29
Joly de Lotbinière, Henri Gustave Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, June 22, 1900. (C.D.P.) 1897.06.30 - 1900.06.21
Mills, David Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed Puisne Judge, Supreme Court of Canada, February 8, 1902. (C.D.P.) 1897.11.18 - 1902.02.07
Mowat, Oliver Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, November 18, 1897. (C.D.P.) 1896.07.13 - 1897.11.17
Tarte, Joseph Israël Minister of Public Works Disagrees with the government's tariff policy. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 18.03.1903) 1896.07.13 - 1902.10.21

^ 6th Ministry (1894.12.21 - 1896.04.27)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Angers, Auguste Réal Minister of Agriculture Owing to differences with his colleagues on the Manitoba school question. (Morgan, H.J. "The Canadian men and women of the time." 1912. p. 27) 1894.12.21 - 1895.07.12
Dickey, Arthur Rupert Minister of Militia and Defence Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967 (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1895.03.26 - 1896.01.05
Foster, George Eulas Minister of Finance and Receiver General Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1894.12.21 - 1896.01.05
Haggart, John Graham Minister of Railways and Canals Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1894.12.21 - 1896.01.05
Ives, William Bullock Minister of Trade and Commerce Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1894.12.21 - 1896.01.05
Montague, Walter Humphries Minister of Agriculture Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1895.12.21 - 1896.01.05
Patterson, James Colebrooke Minister Without Portfolio Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, September 2, 1895. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 02.01.1896) 1895.03.26 - 1895.09.01
Tupper, Charles Hibbert Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967 (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1894.12.21 - 1896.01.05
Wood, John Fisher Controller of Customs (acting) Dissastisfied with the Prime Minister's leadership, seven members of his Cabinet resigned to force him out. On January 15, 1896, the seven members accepted to resume ministerial responsibilities but the Prime Minister was forced to resign at the end of the session. (Prime Ministers of Canada, 1867-1967. / Les premiers ministres du Canada, 1867-1967; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.01.1896-15.01.1896) 1895.12.14 - 1895.12.16

^ 4th Ministry (1891.06.16 - 1892.11.24)
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Langevin, Hector-Louis Minister of Public Works Forced to resign following accusations of corruption involving the McGreevy brothers and the firm of Larkin, Connolly, and Co. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 24.09.1891; Fraser, B.J.L. "The political career of Sir Hector Louis Langevin." 1961. pp. 125-29) 1891.06.16 - 1891.08.11

^ 3rd Ministry (1878.10.17 - 1891.06.06)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Baby, Louis François Georges Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Puisne Judge, Superior Court of Quebec, October 29, 1880. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1880-81; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 09.12.1880) 1878.10.26 - 1880.10.28
Macpherson, David Lewis Minister of the Interior (D.A.R., 1885) 1883.10.17 - 1885.08.04
Masson, Louis-François-Rodrigue President of the Privy Council Health. (D.A.R., 1880-81) 1880.01.16 - 1880.07.31
McDonald, James Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, May 20, 1881. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 09.02.1882) 1878.10.17 - 1881.05.19
McLelan, Archibald Woodbury Postmaster General Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, July 10, 1888. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 31.01.1887) 1887.01.27 - 1888.07.09
Tilley, Samuel Leonard Minister of Finance and Receiver General Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, November 12, 1885. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 25.02.1886) 1879.05.20 - 1885.11.10
Tupper, Charles Minister of Finance and Receiver General Re-appointed High Commissioner to Great Britain, May 23, 1888. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 31.01.1889) 1887.01.27 - 1888.05.22
Minister of Railways and Canals To take up his appointment as High Commissioner to Great Britain which dated from May 30, 1883. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1884; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 29.01.1885) 1879.05.20 - 1884.05.28
Wilmot, Robert Duncan Minister Without Portfolio Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, February 11, 1880. (C.D.P.) 1878.11.08 - 1880.02.10

^ 2nd Ministry (1873.11.07 - 1878.10.08)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Blake, Edward President of the Privy Council Health. (D.A.R., 1878) 1877.06.08 - 1878.01.17
Cauchon, Joseph Édouard Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, December 2, 1877. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 07.02.1878) 1877.06.08 - 1877.10.07
Dorion, Antoine Aimé Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, Quebec, June 1, 1874. He was administrator of the province of Quebec from November 8 to December 15, 1876. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 04.02.1875) 1873.11.07 - 1874.05.31
Fournier, Télesphore Postmaster General Appointed Puisne Judge, Supreme Court of Canada, October 8, 1875. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878) 1875.05.19 - 1875.10.07
Letellier de St-Just, Luc Minister of Agriculture Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, December 15, 1876. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878) 1873.11.07 - 1876.12.14
Macdonald, Donald Alexander Postmaster General Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, May 18, 1875. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878) 1873.11.07 - 1875.05.17
Ross, William Minister of Militia and Defence Appointed Collector of Customs at Halifax, N.S., November 5, 1874. (C.D.P.; Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 04.02.1875; Canada Gazette / Gazette du Canada, 07.11.1874) 1873.11.07 - 1874.09.29
Vail, William Berrian Minister of Militia and Defence Contravened conflict of interest rules by being a stockholder in a company which had performed printing and advertising services for the Government. (D.A.R., 1878, pp. 2-3) 1874.09.30 - 1878.01.20

^ 1st Ministry (1867.07.01 - 1873.11.05)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

NamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Archibald, Adams George Secretary of State for the Provinces Defeated in the August 7 to September 20, 1867 federal election, at once tendered his resignation. Retained his portfolio until April 1868. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 02.04.1868; Pope, Sir John. "Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald." vol. 2, pp. 3-4) 1867.07.01 - 1868.04.30
Dunkin, Christopher Minister of Agriculture Appointed Puisne Judge, Superior Court of Quebec, October 25, 1871. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878) 1869.11.16 - 1871.10.24
Galt, Alexander Tilloch Minister of Finance Lack of support and confidence from his Cabinet colleagues who held his financial policies responsible for the collapse of the Commercial Bank. (Commons Debates / Débats de la Chambre, 08.11.1867) 1867.07.01 - 1867.11.07
Howe, Joseph Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, May 7, 1873. (C.D.P.) 1869.12.08 - 1873.05.06
Howland, William Pierce Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, July 15, 1868. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878) 1867.07.01 - 1868.07.14
Kenny, Edward President of the Privy Council Appointed Administrator of the Government of Nova Scotia. (C.D.P.; Pope, Sir Joseph. "Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald." 1894. p. 79) 1869.11.16 - 1870.06.20
McDonald, Hugh Minister of Militia and Defence Appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, November 5, 1873. (C.D.P.) 1873.07.01 - 1873.11.04
McDougall, William Minister of Public Works Appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ruperts-Land and the North West Territories, September 28, 1869. (C.D.P.) 1867.07.01 - 1869.09.27
Morris, Alexander Minister of Inland Revenue Appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, July 2, 1872. (C.D.P.; D.A.R., 1878) 1869.11.16 - 1872.07.01
Rose, John Minister of Finance To become a member of the well-known banking firm of Morton, Rose and Co. (Pope, Sir Joseph. "Memoirs of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald." 1894. pp. 51,70; Colins, J.E. "Life and times of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald." p. 351) 1867.11.18 - 1869.09.30

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Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15