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 Parliament of Canada
Federal government Section
Principal Secretaries to the Prime Minister Sources
  1. Biographies of Prime Ministers, popular and academic books on Canadian politics.
  2. Memo from Jack Pickersgill.
  3. Interviews with:
    • E.A. Pickering (Toronto) 416-226-1209 (King)
    • Jack Granatstein (Toronto) 416-932-5521 (King)
    • Gordon Roberston (Ottawa) 746-6694 (Pearson Marc Lalonde)
    • Professor Waite (Halifax) 1-902-424-2011 (John Thompson)
    • *Huguette Fournier (Montréal) 1-514-397-3000 (Pearson, Lalonde)
    • Tom Kent (Mabou, N.S.) 1-902-945-2181 (Pearson)
*(Marc Lalonde's Secretary, Montréal - Office of Stikeman & Elliot.)

Nota bene: Secondary sources were used to complete this list. It should not be considered an official list.


© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15