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 Parliament of Canada
Federal government Section
Green Papers Sources Used
  1. Journals of the House of Commons

  2. Library of Parliament Catalogues

  3. CANADA. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. CAREER ASSIGNMENT PROGRAM. 77-1 TASK FORCE GROUP. Public Input into the Government Policy Making Process: Discussion Paper: Report no. 1, Green and White Papers. Ottawa, The Program, 1977. 20 1. (Unpublished memorandum)

  4. CHAPIN, HENRY and DENIS DENEAU. Citizen Involvement in Public Policy- making: Access and the Policy-making Process. Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development, 1978. 62 p.

  5. --. La participation des citoyens au processus d'établissement des politiques d'intérêt public: l'accès au processus d'établissement des politiques et le processus proprement dit. Ottawa, Conseil canadien de développement social, 1978. 73 p.

  6. COCKTON, P. Green papers. In: Ford List of British Parliamentary Papers 1965-1974, together with Specialist Commentaries. Ed. by Diana Marshallsay and J.H. Smith. Nendeln, KTO Press, 1979. pp. xxxv-xxxviii.

  7. DOERR, AUDREY D. Le rôle des livres de couleur: information, débat ou plaidoyer? Étude présentée à la Conférence annuelle de 1981 de l'Institut d'administration publique du Canada. Charlottetown, I.-du-P.-É., 9 sept. 1981. 35 f. (Document non revisé).

  8. --. The Role of Coloured Papers: Information, Debate or Advocacy? Paper presented to the 1981 Annual Conference of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada. Charlottetown, P.E.I. September 9, 1981. 29 1. (Unpublished document).

  9. ONTARIO. OFFICE ON COMMUNITY. CONSULTATION. Commentary on the Introduction of the "Green Paper" to Policy Formulation in Ontario 1973. Toronto, Ministry of Community and Social Services, 1974. 28 1.

  10. PEMBERTON, JOHN E. Government green papers. Library World 71:46-7, 49 Aug. 1969.

  11. SILKIN, ARTHUR. Green papers and changing methods of consultation in British Government. Public Administration 51:427-48 Winter 1973.

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Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15