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 Parliament of Canada
Legislation Section
Pre-Study of House of Commons Bills by the Senate 1971 to Date
153 bills

^ 37th Parliament (2001.01.29 - 2004.05.23)
1st session (2001.01.29 - 2002.09.16)

C-36 Anti-terrorism Act.
^ 34th Parliament (1988.12.12 - 1993.09.08)
3rd session (1991.05.13 - 1993.09.08)

C-4 Trust and Loan Companies Act.
C-19 Bank Act.
C-28 Insurance Companies Act.
C-34 Cooperative Credit Associations Act.
C-48 An Act to amend the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act and to amend other Acts in consequence thereof.
C-62 Telecommunications Act.
C-86 An Act to amend the Immigration Act and other Acts in consequence thereof.
C-92 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Canada Pension Plan, the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, the Tax Rebate Discounting Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act and certain related Acts.
C-115 North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.
^ 33rd Parliament (1984.11.05 - 1988.10.01)
2nd session (1986.09.30 - 1988.10.01)

C-2 Canagrex Dissolution Act.
C-3 An Act to amend the Radio Act.
C-4 An Act to amend the Railway Act.
C-5 Canada Petroleum Resources Act.
C-6 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act.
C-7 National Archives of Canada Act.
C-8 An Act to amend the Canadian and British Insurance Companies Act, the Foreign Insurance Companies Act and the Winding Up Act.
C-9 An Act to amend the Loan Companies Act, the Trust Companies Act, the Bank Act and the Quebec Savings Banks Act in respect of certain regulatory matters.
C-11 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act.
C-12 An Act to amend the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act.
C-13 Bell Canada Act.
C-14 An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Excise Act.
C-15 An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Evidence Act.
C-16 An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971.
C-17 An Act to amend the Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Act and the Income Tax Act and to repeal the Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Act.
C-18 National Transportation Act, 1987.
C-19 Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987.
C-21 Shipping Conferences Exemption Act, 1987.
C-22 An Act to amend the Patent Act and to provide for certain matters in relation thereto.
C-23 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and a related Act.
C-25 Canadair Limited Divestiture Authorization Act.
C-26 An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act.
C-27 Bank of British Columbia Business Continuation Act.
C-37 Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act.
C-38 Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act.
C-42 Financial Institutions and Deposit Insurance System Amendment Act.
C-43 An Act to amend the Territorial Lands Act.
C-44 An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act, 1977.
C-45 Northern Canada Power Commission Yukon Assets Disposal Authorization Act.
C-56 An Act to amend certain Acts relating to financial institutions.
C-62 Forgiveness of Certain Official Development Assistance Debts Act.
C-63 An Act to amend the Small Businesses Loans Act.
C-69 An Act to amend the Customs Tariff and the Duties Relief Act.

1st session (1984.11.05 - 1986.08.28)

C-15 Investment Canada Act.
C-18 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1985.
C-19 Bell Canada Act.
C-24 An Act to amend the Oil Substitution and Conservation Act and the Canadian Home Insulation Program Act.
C-25 An Act to amend the Agricultural Stabilization Act.
C-26 An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act.
C-27 Statute Law (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) Amendment Act.
C-31 An Act to amend the Indian Act.
C-32 An Act to amend the Fisheries Act.
C-36 An Act to amend the Aeronautics Act.
C-39 Supplementary Fiscal Equalization Payments 1982-87 Act.
C-41 An Act to repeal the Prairie Farm Assistance Act and to amend the Crop Insurance Act in consequence thereof.
C-44 An Act to amend the Western Grain Transportation Act.
C-45 Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act.
C-46 An Act to amend the Divorce Act.
C-47 Divorce and Corollary Relief Act.
C-48 Family Orders Enforcement Assistance Act.
C-51 Borrowing Authority Act, 1985-86 (No. 2).
C-53 Northern Transportation Company Limited Disposal Authorization Act.
C-55 An Act to amend the Immigration Act, 1976.
C-67 An Act to amend the Parole Act and the Penitentiary Act.
C-68 An Act to amend the Parole Act, the Penitentiary Act, the Prisons and Reformatories Act and the Criminal Code.
C-70 An Act to amend the Family Allowances Act, 1973.
C-74 Representation Act, 1985.
C-75 An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act and to amend the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, the Maritime Code Act and the Oil and Gas Production and Conservation Act in consequence thereof.
C-79 Financial Institutions Depositors Compensation Act.
C-80 An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Excise Act and to amend other Acts in consequence thereof.
C-82 An Act to amend the Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Act and the Income Tax Act.
C-83 An Act to amend the Tax Rebate Discounting Act.
C-84 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and related statutes and to amend the Canada Pension Plan, the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971, the Financial Administration Act and the Petroleum and Gas Revenue Tax Act.
C-85 An Act to amend the Petroleum Incentives Program Act.
C-87 Canadian Arsenals Limited Divestiture Authorization Act.
C-90 Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985.
C-91 An Act to establish the Competition Tribunal and to amend the Combines Investigation Act and the Bank Act and other Acts in consequence thereof.
C-92 Canada Petroleum Resources Act.
C-94 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act.
C-96 An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act, 1977.
C-103 An Act to amend the Loan Companies Act, the Trust Companies Act, the Bank Act and the Quebec Savings Banks Act in respect of certain regulatory matters.
C-106 An Act to amend the Young Offenders Act, the Criminal Code, the Penitentiary Act and the Prisons and Reformatories Act.
C-111 An Act to amend the Customs Tariff and to amend An Act to amend the Customs Tariff.
C-116 An Act to amend the Canada Pension Plan and the Federal Court Act.
C-117 Farm Debt Review Act.
^ 32nd Parliament (1980.04.14 - 1984.07.09)
2nd session (1983.12.07 - 1984.07.09)

C-2 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax and to make related amendments to the Canada Pension Plan and the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971.
C-3 Canada Health Act.
C-13 An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act.
C-21 Borrowing Authority Act, 1984-85.

1st session (1980.04.14 - 1983.11.30)

C-6 Banks and Banking Law Revision Act, 1980.
C-12 Bankruptcy Act, 1980.
C-48 Canada Oil and Gas Act.
C-50 An Act to amend the Customs Tariff and to repeal the Irish Free State Trade Agreement, 1932, the Union of South Africa Trade Agreement Act, 1932 and the United Kingdom Trade Agreement Act, 1937.
C-53 An Act to amend the Criminal Code in relation to sexual offences and the protection of young persons and to amend certain other Acts in relation thereto or in consequence thereof.
C-54 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax and to provide other authority for the raising of funds.
C-57 An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Excise Act and to provide for a revenue tax in respect of petroleum and gas.
C-59 Borrowing Authority Act, 1981-82.
C-60 An Act to amend the National Energy Board Act.
C-85 Canagrex Act.
C-89 An Act to amend the National Housing Act and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act.
C-90 An Act to amend the Customs Tariff and to repeal certain Acts in consequence thereof.
C-92 An Act to amend the National Harbours Act, the Government Harbours and Piers Act, the Harbour Commissions Act, the Canada Shipping Act and the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act.
C-93 An Act to amend the statute law relating to certain taxes and to provide other authority for the raising of funds.
C-95 Athletics Contests and Events Pools Act.
C-97 An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Established Programs Financing Act, 1977 and to provide for payments to certain provinces.
C-101 An Act to amend the Petro-Canada Act.
C-102 An Act to amend the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Act.
C-103 An Act to amend the Petroleum Administration Act and to enact provisions thereto.
C-104 An Act respecting petroleum incentives and Canadian ownership and control determination and to amend the Foreign Investment Review Act.
C-105 An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act.
C-108 An Act to amend the National Energy Board Act (No. 3).
C-115 National Training Act.
C-124 Public Sector Compensation Restraint Act.
C-125 Supplementary Borrowing Authority Act, 1982-83.
C-127 An Act to amend the Criminal Code in relation to sexual offences and other offences against the person and to amend certain other Acts in relation thereto or in consequence thereof.
C-152 Government Organization Act, 1983.
C-155 Western Grain Transportation Act.
C-156 An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971 (No. 3).
C-157 Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act.
C-163 Canadian Aviation Safety Board Act.
C-165 Industrial and Regional Development Act.
C-170 Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act.
^ 31st Parliament (1979.10.09 - 1979.12.14)
1st session (1979.10.09 - 1979.12.14)

C-14 Banks and Banking Law Revision Act, 1979.
C-17 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax and to amend the Canada Pension Plan.
C-20 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act to provide a tax credit in respect of mortgage interest and home-owner property tax.
^ 30th Parliament (1974.09.30 - 1979.03.26)
4th session (1978.10.11 - 1979.03.26)

C-9 Canada Referendum Act.
C-10 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act to provide for a child tax credit and to amend the Family Allowances Act, 1973.
C-14 An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971.
C-15 Banks and Banking Law Revision Act, 1978.
C-37 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax, to amend the Canada Pension Plan and to provide other authority for the raising of funds.
C-38 An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act.
C-42 Energy Supplies Emergency Act, 1979.

3rd session (1977.10.18 - 1978.10.10)

C-11 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax and to provide other authority for the raising of funds.
C-13 An Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and to amend the Bank Act and other Acts in relation thereto or in consequence thereof.
C-25 Northern Pipeline Act.
C-29 An Act to amend the Farm Credit Act.
C-56 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax and to authorize payments related to provincial sales tax reductions.
C-57 Banks and Banking Law Revision Act, 1978.
C-59 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act in matters relating to the ownership of small businesses.
C-60 Constitutional Amendment Act, 1978.

2nd session (1976.10.12 - 1977.10.17)

C-16 Borrowers and Depositors Protection Act.
C-22 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax.
C-42 An Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and to amend the Bank Act and other Acts in relation thereto or in consequence thereof.

1st session (1974.09.30 - 1976.10.12)

C-2 An Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and the Bank Act and to repeal an Act to amend an Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and the Criminal Code.
C-41 Western Grain Stabilization Act.
C-60 Bankruptcy Act, 1975.
C-73 Anti-Inflation Act.
C-83 Criminal Law Amendment Act (No. 1), 1976.
^ 29th Parliament (1973.01.04 - 1974.05.09)
2nd session (1974.02.27 - 1974.05.09)

C-7 An Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and the Bank Act and an Act to amend an Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and the Criminal Code.

1st session (1973.01.04 - 1974.02.26)

C-132 Foreign Investment Review Act.
C-192 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (No. 2).
C-193 An Act to amend the statute law relating to income tax (No. 3).
^ 28th Parliament (1968.09.12 - 1972.09.01)
3rd session (1970.10.08 - 1972.02.16)

C-259 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and to make certain provisions and alterations in the statute law related to or consequential upon the amendments to that Act.

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15