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 Parliament of Canada
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Officers and Officials of Parliament Political Officers - House of Commons - Parliamentary Leaders
Government House Leaders

From 1867 until WWII, the Prime Minister usually organized the business of the House himself, with the whips being his contacts in the other parties. Prime Minister Mackenzie King did so until October 1944, when his busy schedule forced him to delegate those duties.

In July 1946, King openly recognized the position of Government House Leader. In 1968, it became a full-time position. It was common practice at that time for the Government House Leader to hold the title of President of the Privy Council. Since 1988, the Government House Leader is usually a Minister of State.

Government House Leaders

NameTerm (year)
Van Loan, Peter 2007 -
Nicholson, Robert Douglas 2006 - 2007
Valeri, Tony 2004 - 2006
Saada, Jacques 2003 - 2004
Boudria, Don 2002 - 2003
Goodale, Ralph Edward 2002 - 2002
Boudria, Don 1997 - 2002
Gray, Herbert Eser (Herb) 1993 - 1997
Lewis, Douglas Grinslade 1993 - 1993
Lewis, Douglas Grinslade 1993 - 1993
Andre, Harvie 1990 - 1993
Lewis, Douglas Grinslade 1989 - 1990
Mazankowski, Donald Frank 1986 - 1988
Hnatyshyn, Ramon John 1984 - 1986
Ouellet, André 1984 - 1984
Pinard, Yvon 1980 - 1984
Baker, Walter David 1979 - 1979
MacEachen, Allan Joseph 1976 - 1979
Sharp, Mitchell William 1974 - 1976
MacEachen, Allan Joseph 1970 - 1974
Macdonald, Donald Stovel 1968 - 1970
MacEachen, Allan Joseph 1967 - 1968
McIlraith, George James 1964 - 1967
Favreau, Guy 1964 - 1964
Pickersgill, John Whitney 1963 - 1963
Churchill, Gordon Minto 1960 - 1963
Churchill, Gordon Minto 1960 - 1960
Churchill, Gordon Minto (Acting) 1960 - 1960
Green, Howard Charles 1957 - 1959
Harris, Walter Edward 1953 - 1957
Fournier, Alphonse 1948 - 1953
Mackenzie, Ian Alistair 1944 - 1948
Deputy Government House Leaders

NameTerm (year)
Reid, Scott 2006 -
Bélanger, Mauril 2003 - 2006
DeVillers, Paul 2002 - 2003
Gagliano, Alfonso 1994 - 2002
Cadieux, Pierre H. 1991 - 1993
Danis, Marcel 1990 - 1991
Charest, Jean J. 1989 - 1990
Lapierre, Jean-C. 1984 - 1984
Smith, David P. 1982 - 1982
Pinard, Yvon 1977 - 1978
Cafik, Norman Augustine 1977 - 1977

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15