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 Parliament of Canada
Parliament Section
Officers and Officials of Parliament Procedural Officers and Senior Officials - Library of Parliament

The Library of Parliament was established shortly after Confederation, and is currently provided for in sections 73 to 79 of the Parliament of Canada Act. The direction and control of the Library is vested jointly in the Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons. The control and management of the Library rests with the Parliamentary Librarian, assisted by an Associate Parliamentary Librarian, both of whom are appointed by the Governor in Council.

Since 2001, provision has also been made for the appointment of a Parliamentary Poet Laureate as an officer of the Library, who is appointed by the two Speakers. In 2006, the Parliament of Canada Act was amended to establish the position of Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) within the Library of Parliament. The office holder will be appointed by the Governor in Council. The PBO’s mandate includes providing objective analysis to both Houses and to certain parliamentary Committees of government estimates and evaluating the costs of private Member’s bills and parliamentary initiatives.

^ Parliamentary Librarians

The first Library of Parliament Act was given Royal assent April 14, 1871. The direction and control of the Library was to be vested in the Speakers of both Houses, assisted by a joint committee. At this time provisions were made for a staff to consist of one librarian, one assistant librarian, two clerks and two messengers.

On May 6, 1885, a resolution was passed in the House of Commons that “the officers and servants of the Library of Parliament should consist of: two officers, one to be called the General Librarian, the other the Parliamentary Librarian, and to hold a joint commission as “Librarians of Parliament” and to have equal powers…”

This was amended in 1955. The Parliamentary Librarian was given “the control and management of the Library” while the position of General Librarian was changed to that of Associate Parliamentary Librarian who would "perform the duties and functions of Parliamentary Librarian during his absence, illness or other incapacity or during a vacancy in the office of Parliamentary Librarian."

NameTerm (year)
Young, William Robert (Bill) 2005 -
Paré, Richard 1994 - 2005
Spicer, Erik John 1960 - 1994
Hardy, Francis Aubrey 1944 - 1959
Burrell, Martin 1920 - 1938
Griffin, Martin Joseph 1885 - 1920
Todd, Alpheus 1870 - 1884
^ Associate Parliamentary Librarians
NameTerm (year)
Finsten, Hugh 2002 -
Paré, Richard 1980 - 1994
Frappier, Gilles 1970 - 1979
Sylvestre, Jean Guy 1956 - 1968
Desrochers, Felix 1933 - 1956
Taché, Joseph B. de la Broquerie 1920 - 1932
DeCelles, Alfred Duclos 1885 - 1920
^ Parliamentary Poet Laureates
NameTerm (year)
Steffler, John 2006 -
Michel, Pauline 2004 - 2006
Bowering, George 2002 - 2004

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.04.27

Revised on: 2007.04.27