Government of Canada

Starting a Business

Starting a Business

Veterans can receive:

  1. Self Employment
    The Self Employment program provides individuals who are eligible for Employment Insurance with income and entrepreneurial support while they develop and implement their business plan.
  2. Micro Loans for Small Businesses
    The Micro Loans for Small Businesses program provides loans to entrepreneurs for small business start-up or expansion in western Canada.
  3. Women's Enterprise Initiative Centres
    The Women’s Enterprise Initiative Centres provide services to women entrepreneurs who are seeking to start up or expand small and medium-sized businesses in Western Canada.
  4. Co-Vision: Start-up Financing Program
    The Co-Vision: Start-up Financing Program helps entrepreneurs start up new businesses by providing them with long-term loans as well as consulting services and advice.
  5. Seed Capital Program
    The Seed Capital Program provides repayable, unsecured loans to entrepreneurs so that they can start, modernize or expand a business that will create employment opportunities in Atlantic Canada.
  6. Business Development Program
    The Business Development Program provides repayable, interest-free and unsecured loans to entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada so that they can establish, expand and modernize their businesses.
  7. Women in Business Initiative
    The Women in Business Initiative provides financial support, information and advice to women entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada to help them develop their businesses and increase their competitiveness.
  8. Francophone Economic Development Organizations
    Francophone Economic Development Organizations provide services to francophone entrepreneurs who are seeking to start up or expand small and medium-sized businesses in western Canada.

See all Starting a Business programs and services.