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Forest Health in Canada
Forest Health > Forest Conditions > Ecozone Reports > Mixedwood Plains

Mixedwood Plains EcozoneMixedwood Plains Ecozone

Changing Forest Landscape Conditions

Health of sugar maple: Analyses of sugar maple within this ecozone and in portions of the Boreal Shield and the Atlantic Maritime ecozones, reveal no difference in growth and vigor between stands managed for maple syrup and unmanaged stands (Lachance et al. 1995). The total number of taps has increased 12% from 1994 to 1995, while the area of maple stands managed as sugarbush has decreased 2% (Parent 1996).

Results from the North American Maple Project (NAMP) (Lachance et al. 1995) and the Acid Rain National Early Warning System (ARNEWS) (Bowers and Hopkin 1997) show that forests are healthy. However, some stands, located in high level areas with frost, disease and insect damage, high ozone levels, and high sulfate and nitrate deposition in exceedance of critical loads have shown some decline (Bowers and Hopkin 1997). Some locations show poor tree condition and these generally occur in areas characteristic of soils that receive acidic deposition at levels above their buffering capacity. A direct link between poor growth and acid rain is unclear, as these areas are also considered to be naturally poor growing sites, where higher levels of damage would be expected (Bowers and Hopkin 1997).

A fragmented forest: Europeans have settled in the St. Lawrence River Valley since the 17th century. Over the years, land-use practices have modified the landscape (Bouchard et al. 1989). Forests, in large part, have been replaced by agricultural fields and urban areas. Today, less than 10% of the original forest cover remains (Ecological Stratification Working Group 1996). The remaining forests are so greatly fragmented, due to land conversion for urban and agricultural purposes, that long-term viability of these ecosystems is threatened (Savard 1994). Very little old-growth forest remains (Brisson et al. 1994). Introduced diseases, such as beech bark disease (Brisson et al. 1996), have begun to attack the remaining forest.

Changing Biodiversity

Entry for introduced species: Settlement of Europeans, as well as heavy maritime and railway traffic, have contributed to the introduction of numerous non-native, usually invasive, vascular plants along the St. Lawrence River axis (Catling and Cayouette 1996, Rousseau 1968). More than 600 000 white elms have disappeared from the St. Lawrence Lowlands since the introduction of Dutch elm disease in 1944 (Pomerleau 1961). Chestnut blight has almost eliminated American chestnut from the Lake-Erie Lowland (Farrar 1996). The butternut canker, a more recent invader, is killing butternut (Innes 1998). The European race of scleroderris canker and white pine blister rust are continuing threats to species such as red or white pine. Pine false webworm, a common pest on pines, is increasing its range since its introduction into southern Ontario in 1961 (Lyons et al. 1993).

Threatened forest ecosystems: Carolinian forests in southern Ontario, and hickory-sugar maple and basswood-sugar maple forests in southern Quebec have been reduced substantially in size following settlement and deforestation (Catling and Cayouette 1996). Tree species such as white pine, red oak, eastern hemlock, and American beech were harvested to such an extent that the composition of the forest has changed (Bouchard et al. 1989).

Fragmentation of forests, invasion of forest edges by non-native plants, harvesting of old-growth forest, and an increase in plantations have resulted in a decrease in numerous bird species, including wild turkey, red-headed woodpecker, and Kirkland warbler. Rare birds such as the Acadian flycatcher, Louisiana water thrush, prothonotary warbler, and Cerulean warbler are directly threatened by the decreasing area of Carolinian forest (Brunton 1996).

Lack of forest habitat has eliminated wolverines, cougars, and wapitis from this ecozone. Populations of snowshoe hare and Canada lynx are declining because of deforestation. Other mammals, such as the gray wolf and American marten can be found only along the northern edge of the ecozone adjoining the boreal forest. Some species have benefited from deforestation and harvesting practices: eastern cottontail, woodchuck, eastern grey squirrel, meadow vole, coyote, northern racoon, striped skunk and white-tailed deer (Smith and Smith 1996).

Changing Atmospheric Environment

High pollutant levels: Pollutant deposition is generally higher than in other ecozones (Miller et al. 1990). This ecozone is located along one of the major storm tracks of North America, and wind and clouds carry over it pollutants produced in the American Midwest. There are also many large urban settlements and industrial areas within the ecozone that are sources of air pollution (Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network, Environment Canada 1996).

Measurements of sulfate deposition by the Quebec Department of Environment (Boulet and Jacques 1989, 1992, 1993a, 1993b; Grimard 1984, 1985; Jacques and Boulet 1988, 1990; Jacques and Grimard 1987) show that sulfate deposition currently ranges from 21 to 38 kg/ha/yr and has been decreasing steadily by about 3% per year since 1984. Current nitrate deposition varies from 16 to 25 kg/ha/yr. Rain acidity has a mean annual pH ranging from 4.1 to 4.5.

Ground-level ozone: Ground-level ozone reaches the highest peaks in Canada in this ecozone (Thomson 1992). From April to September 1986-1993, there were 127 days with episodes reaching harmful levels of smog in this ecozone, the highest in Canada. Concentrations during some episodes were high enough to induce immediate, short-term damage in sensitive plant species (Pearson and Percy 1997). For example, in 1988, there were regional episodes of 4, 5, 7, and 9 days' duration.

More: The Great Ice Storm of 1998


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