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Archaeological Mysteries in the Ottawa Area

The Bytown Gazette

June 15, 1843, page 3, col.2

    Indian burying ground. -- About a fortnight since, whilst some workmen were engaged in digging sand from a pit immediately in the rear of Bedard's Hotel, at Hull, they accidentally came upon human bones.  On investigation it was discovered, that a number of Indians had, at some very early period, been interred there, in a small barrow of the rudest description.  This was subsequently opened and closely examined, without, however, leading to any important or satisfactory results.  It would seem that the persons whose bones were contained in it amounting in all to about twenty, of both Sexes, and some few Children, had fallen victims to some pestilence, not improbably small Pox, which we learn from the earliest Travellers, committed great havoc amongst them.  --  One skull alone bears any marks of apparent violence, having a distinct fracture and depression on one side, and a fissure on the other. -- The teeth in all of them are perfect and entire.
    Together with a few dogs heads, there were found with them, a War Club, now perfectly petrified; a small stone instrument, resembling a gouge, and a stone chisel, all of which mementa mori, are now in the possession of Dr. V. Cortlandt, Bytown, and who will be thankful for any similar relics.

Introduction | Dr. Edward Van Cortlandt | A Comparison of Two Articles

The Burden of Proof | In Defence of Bédard's Landing | T.W. Edwin Sowter's Certainty

Final Considerations | 1843 Bytown Gazette Article | 1853 Van Cortlandt Article

References Cited


Created: March 13, 2007
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Government of Canada