Help: Search the online catalogue

About this tool

Basic function


About this tool

This is an interim interface based on our "Browse the online catalogue" application. We welcome your feedback to help us with further development.

We have combined our Search and Browse applications to provide more integrated functionality. The current interface allows you to narrow the scope of your search using categories such as subject, release date, and price.

Basic function

  1. Type in the search box


    choose categories under “Narrow your search:”


    use both search box and categories, in any order.

  2. Image of Search field

  3. Your results will contain all query terms and belong to all categories selected.

    If you type in “working conditions” and select the Subject “Health” and Release date “2006”, you will get information about working conditions that is related to health, and that was released in 2006.

  4. Image of Search results

  5. Use the links in the “Narrow your search” list or “Categories” area to change the scope of your search. You can also type more words in the search box.


  • This tool searches catalogue records only: title, author, abstract, keywords, etc.

  • It does not look within pages of publications.

  • Image of Online Catalogue record

Navigation and search

Note: This page contains several navigation menus. To enhance accessibility, most of these menus and the site search box are grouped in this section.

To find out more about accessibility features on our site, read our accessibility page.

Page navigation menu

  1. Page content
  2. Site navigation menu
  3. Site utility menus
  4. Site search
  5. Important notices
  6. Top of page
  7. Date modified