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Health Care System

Conference Presentation

The following is a text version of the presentation given at the Conference on Timely Access To Health Care, held February 8-9, 2007 in Toronto, Ontario.

Interprovincial Partnerships: The Western Canadian Children's Heart Network

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Interprovincial  Partnerships: The Western Canadian  Children's Heart Network (PDF version will open in a new window) (425 K) Interprovincial  Partnerships: The Western Canadian  Children's Heart Network (PowerPoint version will open in a new window) (5765 K)

Presentation Outline


  • Ministry of Health:
    • British Columbia
    • Alberta
    • Saskatchewan
    • Manitoba
  • Western Canadian Children Children's Heart Network Partners:
    • BC Children Children's Hospital
    • Alberta Children Children's Hospital
    • Winnipeg Children Children's Hospital
    • Royal University Hospital
    • Stollery Children Children's Hospital


  • Who is the WCCHN?
  • Goals, Objectives and Accomplishments of the WCCHN to date.
  • Discuss the Interprovincial Partnership that has been established amongst the WCCHN centres

Clinical Ops Committee

Who is the WCCHN?

  • Established in 2000
  • Hired a full full-time coordinator in 2002.
  • Home office of the WCCHN: Capital Health (Edmonton






Why was the WCCHN set up?

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  • Four of five centres had pediatric cardiac surgery programs (pre pre-2001)
  • Limited numbers of patients requiring pediatric cardiac surgery.
  • Need for all children to have access to optimal pediatric cardiac care in all centres.

Current Services Provided

  • Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (2 centres)
  • Pediatric Cardiac Transplant surgery (1)
  • Pediatric Electrophysiological Services (3 centres)
  • Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization (Diagnostic & Interventional): All centres.
  • Follow-up care pediatric cardiology clinics:
    • On site services and partnership clinics
  • Cardiac MR - 3 dedicated, 2 others shared.

Goals of the WCCHN

  1. Share Clinical Results
  2. Collaborate on Complex Cases
  3. Education
  4. Share Patient/Family Resources
  5. Collaborate on Research
  6. Share/Discuss Plans

1. Share Clinical Results

  • Various databases in use at this time.
  • Establishment of an Interprovincial Pediatric Cardiology Database.
    • Multi-centered Info System Teams
    • Multi-centred Privacy Officer Committee.


2. Collaborate on Complex Cases

Multiple forums exist to do this.

  • Cardiac Surgical Conference hosted by the Stollery occurs every Tuesday for discussion of patients referred for surgery or general discussion of challenging patients to examine other options.
  • Surgical Discussions: Vancouver and Victoria (Mondays).
  • Pediatric Cardiac M & M rounds bi monthly.
  • Clinicians have been "practicing practicing" at other centres
    • Transplant Clinic; Cardiac Cath Cath, Electrophysiological studies
    • Surgeon collaboration.

Case Conferencing (Patients referred to the Stollery)

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Case Conferencing (Patients referred to the Stollery)

Every Tuesday Afternoon Attendance:

  • All WCCHN centres pediatric cardiology staff, pediatric cardiac surgeons.
  • Review of Patient History; Cardiac MRIs Echocardiograms,cardiac catheterizations



  • Discussion with all members of the team related to next steps:
    • Surgery candidate.
    • Wait /Reassesment required.
  • Patient prioritized for surgery.
  • Patient placed onto the waiting list.

Improving Patient Flow:

  • Patients are contacted with regards to the outcome of the discussion by:
    • Local cardiologist
    • Cardiac Surgery Coordinator
  • Pre-Admission is booked day before surgery.



  • Patient updates provided to all centres at next conference.

Adult Congenital Care

  • January 2006
  • Frequency: bimonthly basis.
  • Similar set up to pediatric case conference.
  • Additional centres that provide care to adult congenital cardiac patients also participate
    • St. Paul's (Vancouver): Peter Lougheed Centre(Calgary); Regina General Hospital (Regina, SK).

3. Education

  • Sharing of educational opportunities at the pediatric cardiology residency training programs (All centres participate in giving sessions).
  • Allied health sessions to provide educational information related other areas of pediatric cardiology (unit practices, blood transfusions, etc.....)
  • Telehealth
    • Main method of communication regarding patient care.

4. Share Patient/Family Resources

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  • Sharing of Family Resources for teaching.
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines being reviewed/developed at the physician level.
  • Echocardiography Protocols developed collaboratively.
  • Multi-centred commitment to developing pediatric cardiac transplant resources for clinicians and families.

5. Collaborate on Research

  • Nursing: Multi Multi-centre Family Satisfaction Survey has been completed.
  • Other initiatives being planned.

Quality Improvement: Focus on Access to Services

  • Saskatoon: Additional partnership clinics to increase access to pediatric cardiology services in Southern SK.
  • Edmonton: Murmur clinic
  • Pre-Admission Clinic (Stollery): increased family awareness of process through development of a video which is sent out to families prior to their appointment.

6. Share/Discuss Plans

  • Goal to maintain good communication amongst

Building the Partnership

Standing Committees:

  • Steering Committee
  • Clinical Operations Committee
  • Nursing Coordinators Committee
  • Family Advisory Committee
  • Adult CV Committee
  • Allied Health Sessions
  • Public Relations Committee

Database Focused:

  • IT Steering Committee
  • IT Integration Committee
  • Privacy Officers

Ad hoc/Integrated with Other Committees:

  • Website Committee
  • Telehealth/AV Coordinators

Contact Information:

Sharon Chow

  • Coordinator, Western Canadian Children Children's Heart Network
  • Phone: 780-407-1522
Date Modified: 2007-03-27 Top