Industry Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada’s Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA)

Canadian Consumer Handbook 2007

Consumer Tips - Warranties

Most contracts include specific warranties to protect consumers. When they do not, some provincial and territorial legislation says that implied warranties apply to every sales contract.

A warranty is a written guarantee to the purchaser of an article, promising to replace or repair the article, if necessary, within a specified period. You should always check the warranty on any product before you buy it. All warranties are not the same - read them carefully to find out what is and isn't covered and for how long.

To see whether a warranty applies in your case, reread the contract, or contact the consumer affairs office in the province or territory where the contract was made. You may be required to present certain documentation to make a claim on your warranty. Always be sure to keep all your warranty information along with your sales receipt in a safe place.