Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Aging Workforce

In this website on Aging Workforce, you will find: an overview of the challenges of an aging workforce, a research & documents page including key studies on the aging workforce prepared by the Labour Program, HRSDC, links to other studies and documents related to the aging workforce and an extended bibliography; and other links of interest related to this question.

Impact and Lessons Learned from the Older Workers Pilot Projects Initiative  (PDF Version)
The objective of the Older Workers Pilot Projects Initiative was to test employability approaches for older workers by funding projects designed to re-integrate displaced older workers into sustainable employment, or maintain in employment older workers threatened with displacement. 
The overview report Impact and Lessons Learned from the Older Workers Pilot Projects Initiative is based on analysis of project evaluations conducted by participating provinces and territories.  The report discusses overall success of the initiative, comparative success of different approaches, and other lessons learned with respect to employment programming for this target group.