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CBC Radio One Maritime Noon

Deb Woolway

Deborah took the long way round to Maritime Noon, and is very happy to have  finally joined the gang.

Deb started her career with CBC in Saint John, New Brunswick, when she walked into the station and asked if she could freelance. Her first radio piece took three weeks to complete & she was paid $67. With a razor sharp grasp of the obvious, she realized she was never going to make a living that way, so she returned to university, got a journalism degree, and started life as a reporter.

After working as a casual employee over several years, her position was converted into a permanent one. The thought of working a steady gig so unnerved her that she immediately quit, and spent a year traveling throughout the South Pacific & South East Asia. She reports that she was in Shanghai when it only had one skyscraper.

After numerous hilarious adventures & close calls, she returned to the Maritimes and got a job as a radio reporter in Halifax. She was awarded the prestigious Scales of Justice Award for her coverage of the public inquiry into the wrongful conviction of Donald Marshall Junior. Later she ran the Halifax Radio newsroom, and directed news coverage of the Westray Mine disaster. Eventually she became the station's Executive Producer of News and Current Affairs, and led CBC Radio Halifax through the Swiss Air Tragedy, Hurricane Juan and too many elections, before she came to her senses and joined Maritime Noon.

Deb, her husband, their two children & two cats live in Dartmouth near the shores of lovely Lake Banook.

Costas Halavrezos, host of Maritime Noon
Hosted By
Costas Halavrezos
12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
on CBC Radio One
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