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CBC Radio One Maritime Noon
Welcome to Maritime Noon

On Tuesday's Show

We know some to the sure-fire headline-grabbers : natural disasters, political conflict & celebrity hi-jinks.
  But what consitutes a great science story - the kind of news that makes you say, "Hey- listen to this !" ?
  Dr Mary Anne White & Dr Richard Wassersug will tell us what makes a great science story.
  They'll also answer your questions about The Science of Everyday Life.

Upcoming Shows

Wednesday, January 9th : Would you support a ban on lawn pesticides in your province ?

Thursday, January 10th
: Call representatives from the Better Business Bureau & the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan for advice on getting consumer satisfaction from retailers & service companies.

Monday, January 14th :
Call Doug Bethune with your automotive questions.

And later in January - Dr Kevin Patterson, co-editor of "Outside the Wire : The War in Afghanistan in the Words of the Participants" and author of the controversial essay Talk To Me Like My Father. Call to tell us which story has most affected your view of the Afghanistan mission.

Links To Information On Recent Topics 

Heather Chase is originally from Morrisdale, New Brunswick. She now lives in Bangkok, Thailand with her family, where she publishes a food blog entitled "The Culinary Chase".

To report a sighting of "didemnum" (aka "The Blob") in the marine environment, call 1-866-759-6600

If you're a retiree in Southwest Nova Scotia who'd like to volunteer as a mentor for small businesses, or if you run a business in that area & could use advice on anything from marketing & accounting to expansion planning, contact The Human Biosphere Project.

  To read Dr Kevin Patterson's article "Talk To Me Like My Father : Frontline Medicine in Afghanistan" from the July/August issue of "Mother Jones" magazine, click here .

To read some of Jim Lindner's papers on issues that relate to preserving and accessing audio and visual material, click here.

If you're looking for a useful online guide to help you identify things you see in the night sky, click here.

To calculate the difference between what you're paying for a litre of gas & what economist Hugh MacKenzie says you should be paying, run your local price through his Gas Gouge Meter . And for his latest article ("Gas Price Gouge : The Sequel"), click here .

For the text of a speech by Ray Anderson ("The Greenest CEO in America") about the decision to make his corporation a model of environmental sustainability, click here.

To see Trinity Anglican Church from Blackville, New Brunswick in its new incarnation as Tom Lee's Old Trinity Gallery in Oklahoma City, click here.

  For information about anything pertaining to colorectal cancer, click here.

To calculate how much carbon dioxide you're generating, click here.

Chinstrap Penguins
Chinstrap Penguins

Feeding Time
Feeding Time

Exploring By Zodiac
Exploring By Zodiac

John interviews a penguin
John Nowlan interviews a penguin

Lemaire Sunset
Lemaire Sunset

To read Barry Wellar's White Paper for Transport 2000, entitled "Sustainable Transport Practices in Canada : Exhortation Overwhelms Demonstration". click here and scroll down to the description of the report.

Read about Bryn Ferris's experiences in Ghana (and see some great photos) by clicking here.

  To contact the Tetra Society of Metro Halifax for information on adapted products, click here . You can also write to : Tetra Society, c/o PO Box 9505, Halifax NS, B3K 5S3 or phone(902) 860-1995.

You, too, can can contribute to Jim Leff's website, Chowhound.com

For answers to questions about Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease and to find out how to record symptoms.

  For information on Natalie MacLean's "Red,White & Drunk All Over"  and information on how to receive her free newletter on wine.

To find out more about the Project for Public Spaces and what your community can do to revitalize or create inviting parks, squares, streets, markets & waterfronts.

In case you DO need a climatologist to tell which way the wind blows, here's a site recommended by Dr Mary Anne White to answer a phone-in question about prevailing winds.

To read "The Student Aid Time Bomb", published by the Educational Policy Institute, click here.

Information on Nursing Homes In Your Province

  To get information on the Automobile Protection Association and its research, click here

Some of the sites Doug Bethune mentioned on Maritime Noon
Car Care Canada
Driving Television
Mile Per Gallon
Fuel Economy

To see Pvt. William Hickey's original Military Attestation Paper , which he signed in order to serve in World War I. Further information can be found on the Veterans Affairs Canada site, compliments of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. To listen to the interview withClick to hear RealAudio file Joe Dodd of Manchester England who has adopted Pvt. Hickey's grave (runs 5.58)

You're not alone ! Pictures & explanations of those spikes that grow in your ice cube tray : The Experimental Nonlinear Physics Group, Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto: Got Spikes on your Ice Cubes?

CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites. External links will open in a new window.
Costas Halavrezos, host of Maritime Noon
Hosted By
Costas Halavrezos
12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
on CBC Radio One
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Storm Centre
Latest storm cancellations and postponements.

Take this Job & Fill it!:
Maritime Noon asks how will the Maritimes secure the workforce we need.

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