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CBC Radio One Maritime Noon
Links & Information

For more information about fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa, contact the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

For information on the history & workings of biomedical science and suggested projects for students interested in science, this is the website of the, mentioned by Dr Bessie Borwein

Latest information on
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's site.

Want to avoid injuries that might spoil your winter fun?

Find out more on making your private well safe.

Information about over-the-counter medications (OTC's).

If you need assistance in your efforts to quit smoking, here are the contact helplines in the three Maritime Provinces:
New Brunswick & Nova Scotia : 1-877-513-5333
Prince Edward Island : 1-888-818-6300


Healthy, Active Living For Older Adults

Health Canada has a free booklet called Physical Activity Guide for Older Adults. To get one call 1-888-334-9769, or visit the website.

The Health Canada website contains many links to other Canadian organizations for older adults.

If you want to find out about activities for older adults in Nova Scotia, call Sport Nova Scotia at 902-425-5450 and tell them what kind of sports and activities interest you.

In New Brunswick, call Sport New Brunswick at 506-451-1327 and tell them what sports and activities interest you.

On Prince Edward Island, call Sport PEI at 902-368-4110.


For Information About Fitness & Nutrition

Nutritionist Barb Anderson mentioned two websites during a recent phone-in.

Information about being a healthy vegetarian.

Personal trainer Kathryn Clark recommends these sources for info about fitness...The Nova Scotia government's Sport & Recreation Commission website

Or call the Sport & Recreation Commission at 424-7512 or the NS Fitness & Lifestyle Leaders Association, 425-1128 ext 224


Information About Alzheimer's & Dementia

Alzheimer Society Canada

Alzwell Site on Alzheimer's & Dementia


Information About Cancer

Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada

Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada

The Atlantic Breast Cancer Info Evaluation Kit

If you were diagnosed with breast cancer between June of 1999 and August of 2000, call the number in your province to help in the evaluation of the information kit you received.
  • In New Brunswick: 1-888-577-6488
  • In Nova Scotia: 1-866-453-5401
  • On PEI: 1-866-569-4872
The principal evaluator in the region is Patsy Beattie-Huggan BN, MSc, RN. You can reach her at (902)566-4967 or by e-mail: pbeattiehuggan@thequaich.pe.ca


Information About Arthritis, Programs And Services

Contact the Arthritis Society at 1-800-321-1433.

To use the Osteoarthritis Decision Aid decisionaid.ohri.ca/nsaid.html


Information On Dealing With AD/HD

Contact the Attention Deficit Association of Nova Scotia at(902) 869-1117.


Men's Health Website


Other Links

Toronto Public Library Vitural Reference Libarary
(extensive Internet resources, approx 250 annotated health sites)

Canadian Health Network

Health Answers (formerly America's Housecall Network)

National Centre For Complementary And Alternative Medicine


Healthy Homes

The rising cost of oil & natural gas makes burning wood look very appealing. But last November, Robin and Audrey Barrett suggested people check indoor air quality before plugging up drafts or burning wood in their homes. Wood smoke can be harmful to your health. For more information about burning wood efficiently and safely, check out these web sites:

The Lung Association of Nova Scotia

Or the Barrett's own website, Healthy Homes Consulting

Information of dealing with mould in your house.

CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites. External links will open in a new window.
Costas Halavrezos, host of Maritime Noon
Hosted By
Costas Halavrezos
12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
on CBC Radio One
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