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New Music Festival 2006

New Music Festival 2006


Kick It Up - Feb. 17, 2006

"I usually find my biggest inspiration comes from a particular performer...I write best when I'm working closely with someone." - Pat Carrabré

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO) composer-in-residence T. Patrick Carrabré knows how to communicate - both in the score and on the stage. He's our guide throughout this year's festival, and tonight we'll hear the world premiere of his Hammer Remix, featuring Andrey Boreyko and the WSO.

What is New Music Anyway?

CBC Radio-Canada is once again proud to sponsor the Centara Corporation International New Music Festival and help celebrate the Festival’s 15 anniversary from February 11-17.

Welcome from David Jaeger

"My Two New Hours production team and I have attended every International New Music Festival since it began 15 years ago. And the reason we keep coming back is all too obvious: it's one of the most exciting and vital sources of network radio programming in the country. And it's effects are far-reaching - for composers, performers and for broadcasters.

In my capacity as President of the International Rostrum of Composers, I hear emerging composers from all around the world, and have been able to share these discoveries with the New Music Festival. For example, Nishimura's Heterophonie (1993), Louis Andriessen's de Staat (1995), last year, Abigail Richardson's award-winning dissolve and this year, the young Estonian, Helena Tulva, whose extraordinary work, Sula is another first place winner at the International Rostrum of Composers.

David JaegerEveryone's a winner at the New Music Festival in Winnipeg, and I consider myself privileged to be associated with such a fine event."

- David Jaeger, Executive Producer, Two New Hours




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New Music Festival - Guide
(805 KB pdf file) PDF

The official New Music Festival website

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