CBC.ca Manitoba
CBC Radio One North Country

Mark Szyszlo

”Sometimes when you move to a new place, it grabs hold of you and doesn't let go.” That's what I tell people when they ask why I'm living in Thompson. “I also have the best neighbours in the world.” Oops now the secret is out. Next thing you know everybody will be moving up here.

Like many northerners Mark was only planning to stay in Thompson for a few months - a year at the most. He grew up in the nation's capitol and caught the broadcasting bug early with jobs in campus radio at the University of Ottawa and Western. His first paying job in radio was as a freelancer writer and broadcaster with CBC Radio in 1986. The “Hub of the North” has been his home now for almost twenty years.

Mark is married with one teenage son. He's also very handy with tools. Mark built his own cottage at Paint Lake Provincial Park. Stop by for a visit and he might even show you his favourite fishing hole. You bring the bait!.

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Copyright © CBC 2008

Mark Szyszlo, host of North Country

Hosted By
Mark Szyszlo


Monday to Friday
7:30 to 8:35 a.m. on CBC Radio One in Central and Northern Manitoba

noon to 1 p.m.on CBC Radio One in Central and Northern

CBC Radio One Manitoba
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