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Is There a Doctor in the House?
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Radio and Television Coverage
CBC Prince Edward Island | Mar. 13, 2006
CBC Radio Features


CBC Television Features

Minister of Health Chester Gillan
Minister of Health
Chester Gillan
Bricks and Mortar:

Sara Fraser asks whether seven hospitals are too many for a population of 140,000. Are some being kept open only for political reasons, and would it be better to spend the money on services instead of buildings?
(runs 7:27)


Sandy Afleck
Sandy Affleck
Getting a Family Doctor:

P.E.I. has over 4,000 people on the official patient registry looking for a family doctor. Sally Pitt looks at how they cope, and why the province is not actively seeking to increase numbers of family physicians.
(runs 7:00)


Dr. Doug Meek
Dr. Doug Meek
Dr. Meek's Day:

Sara Fraser follows Dr. Doug Meek through his typical 12-hour day. His patients praise the care he provides and the time he always seems to have for them despite his busy schedule. But it's getting more difficult to recruit doctors willing to live this kind of life. (runs 7:14)


Four Neighbourhoods Community Health Clinic
Four Neighbourhoods
Community Health Clinic
A Day in the Life of Four Neighbourhoods Community Health Clinic:

Laura Meader looks at this example of a new style of practice: government-run clinic with doctors on salary and numerous services that are geared to looking after the whole person in a collaborative way. The clinic offers a new kind of lifestyle for doctors. (runs 7:06)


Waiting at the walk-in clinic
Waiting at the walk-in clinic
First come, first served:

Brian Higgins visits the walk-in clinic at the Boardwalk Professional centre in Charlottetown a place for patients with no family doctor, or who've been told they'll have to wait too long to get into their own doctor. (runs 6:06)

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CBC Public Forum:
Is there a doctor in the house?

Panelists: Health Minister Chester Gillan, Medical Society President Dr. Herb Dickieson, Dr. Billy Scantlebury and Dr. Pauline Champion

Held: Tuesday, Mar.14, 2006
7 p.m. (AT)
Charlottetown Rural
High School

100 Raiders Road
Charlottetown, PEI